Content Tagged with Portugal

World Health Organization

• A pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan, China was first reported to the WHO Country Office in China on 31st December 2019.

• WHO is working 24/7 to analyze data, provide advice, coordinate with partners, help countries prepare, increase supplies and manage expert networks.

• The outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30th January 2020.

• On 11th February 2020, WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: NOVEL CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 .


For those who wish to support our efforts to respond to the pandemic, the agencies and affiliates of the Aga Khan Development Network, including Focus Humanitarian Assistance, have launched the Global Pandemic Relief Fund. The Fund has been established to respond to the outpouring of generosity from our supporters and creates a one-stop portal to support this critical work across all AKDN agencies, including Focus Humanitarian Assistance, our emergency response agency.

When you’re a parent, self-care often slips to the bottom of the list. But taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury. It’s essential. Prioritizing your well-being benefits your whole family.

Humans are capable of humility, kindness, wisdom, compassion, solidarity, anger, selfishness, condemnation, and a multitude of paradoxical emotions that can bring out both the best and the worst during this roller coaster ride.

Visit of Interior Minister to CESP

The Electronic Public Security Center (CESP) of the National Police, located at Capolo 1, Kilamba Kiaxi, was inaugurated on May 6th, 2020.

Angola Flag

The country lives an eminent situation of public calamity motivated by the existence of the risk of novel coronavírus COVID-19 spread, situation that determined the State of Emergency declaration, through the Presidential Decree 81/20 of 25th March, which was extended for two consecutive periods of 15 days through the Presidential Decree No 97/20 of 9th April and after that a third period through the Presidential Decree No 120/20 of April 24th.

To mitigate the consequences of the novel coronavirus COVID-19  pandemic, the Central Bank of Angola has issued the instruction 4/2020 on March 30th, establishing measures to protect borrowers (companies and individuals) in their repayment obligations.

It is important to keep healthy in the outbreak of novel coronavirus COVID-19  as it can cause serious illness for people with diabetes.

Education Board for Angola has launched a new ECD@Home program to support the Jamat during this unprecedented time of novel coronavirus COVID-19 .

On 1st of May, Africa was brought together by the One Jamat One Africa Program which filled our houses with reflections, hope and music.

Mawlana Hazar Imam considera que Portugal es un país de oportunidades! y somos muy afortunados por la colaboración institucional y los esfuerzos del Imamato con respecto a Portugal. ¿Pero cómo podemos cada uno de nosotros apoyar a Portugal para que sea un país de oportunidades? tal y cómo Mawlana Hazar Imam subraya en su discurso de julio 2018.

Reveja o Webinar dinamizado pelo Aga Khan Education Board, no passado dia 10 de maio, com o tema "E-learning: Tirar proveito do ensino à distância".

Reveja o webinar dinamizado pelo Aga Khan Economic Planning Board no passado dia 7 de maio com o tema "Marketing e Vendas online. Transformação digital das micro às grandes empresas". 

En la tradición islámica los noventa y nueve bellos nombres de Dios al-Asmā' al-Husnā son expresiones de alabanza y reverencia hacia los atributos del Ser Supremo.

Compartimos con el Jamat cuatro de los bellos nombres de Dios.

Al visualizar el Centro Ismaili de Lisboa, su belleza y paz, ¿cuáles de sus símbolos y expresiones culturales identificas como tuyos? ¿ves tus valores reflejados en algún sitio en concreto? Recordad el discurso de M.H.I. en la Ceremonia de apertura, Julio de 1998.

La palabra árabe ‘ibāda (plural ‘ibādāt), que significa veneración, adoración, rendir culto o servicio, se usa generalmente en el contexto de la devoción a Dios. La oración o rezo es una forma primordial de venerar a Dios.

El Profeta Muhammad recibió la primera revelación Divina a la edad de 40 años en el año 610 CE (Era Común), durante la noche conocida como Laylat ul-Qadr (la noche del destino). Al principio solo un pequeño número de personas aceptó el mensaje La illaha illa Allah (No hay mas dios que Dios) y Muhammad es Rasul Allah (el Mensajero de Dios) y Khatam al-Nabiyyin (el último de los profetas).