Breaking news has become the bane of our meandering emotions, either bringing elation or depression, anxiety or relief, loss of control, or feelings of power.
To remain grounded under these unparalleled circumstances we should consider the following lessons:
Intellectual Humility
When we are scared, upset, uncertain, we want to voice our opinions publicly, justify unfounded rumors without verifying validity and therefore spreading misinformation. It is of paramount importance that we take caution in our sources, and how we transmit information.
Time Out Is Time To Get In Touch
We are creative, innovative and adaptable. Let us use this time out to return to creativity, identify new goals, how we envision our new lives and priorities.
We Are Stronger Than We Realize
Positive adaptation in the face of adversity. Easier said than done. We are more resilient than we realize. Give ourselves credit, accept our weakness and know that we will overcome.
Is contagious.
Let us be kinder - to ourselves, practice forgiveness – of ourselves. Recognizing that we will falter, fall and rise and know it is human.
With that comes a feeling of acceptance, peace and kindness towards others as none feels any different.
Challenges Foster Strength
We can cope, we all do, some with external help, some with friends, family and some within their inner self. Take solace that this challenge will make you stronger, benevolent. Life will always throw a curve ball, or it would not be living.
The Basics Are Giants
Air, water, earth, nature. Enjoy the stillness, the blueness, the sunsets, sunrises, the ebb and flow of the ocean. They are going about their business and we should watch, wonder, and look at nature with awe and respect.
All Emotions Are Right
Fear, shock, anxiety, panic. Feel them all. Moments of strength and weakness will come and go. This is human. And that’s what we are, human. Again be kind to yourself. Recognize that this feeling is universal and we are entitled to it. With that come moments of relief, calmness, acceptance and peace.
Self Care
Mental health.
There is no health without mental health. There is no one size fits all solution. Discover what helps you recalibrate your mindset. Research repeatedly shows proper nutrition, sleep, hydration and exercise go a long way in boosting our mental reserves. In times of stress and crisis these routines will enable us to function at optimum.
Focus on the now, cope with what is and isn’t. Sift your thoughts to hone in on your priorities. You may discover that a lot of your attention was on unimportant things, the extras, and the suppositions. Let us take this time to look inwards and bring out our best, for ourselves. The worst can bring out our best!