For those who wish to support our efforts to respond to the pandemic, the agencies and affiliates of the Aga Khan Development Network, including Focus Humanitarian Assistance, have launched the Global Pandemic Relief Fund. The Fund has been established to respond to the outpouring of generosity from our supporters and creates a one-stop portal to support this critical work across all AKDN agencies, including Focus Humanitarian Assistance, our emergency response agency.

To contribute to the Global Pandemic Relief Fund, please donate online or contact the following offices:

In Canada:

Aga Khan Foundation Canada
Donate online –

In the United Kingdom and Europe:

Aga Khan Foundation United Kingdom  
Donate online –

In the United States:

Aga Khan Foundation USA
Donate online –

All Other Countries:

For other countries, please donate through one of the above offices, or please contact [email protected] to discuss other international giving options.

Here are a few examples of AKDN’s response to the Global Pandemic:

AKDN pulls together in response to the NOVEL CORONAVIRUS COVID-19  pandemic coronavirus COVID-19 -pandemic-updated-14-april

Aga Khan Foundation provides support for families to help children learn at home during NOVEL CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 coronavirus COVID-19

HBL partners with Ehsaas to benefit 7.5 million in Pakistan

Coronavirus self-assessment mobile app launched for Pakistan

UCA distributes 500 care packages to vulnerable population in Naryn

Born to heal: Stories of three Pakistani Aga Khan School alumni