Content Tagged with Portugal
“Going the last mile” has been an aim of many health professionals, particularly in remote, hard to reach areas. Factors for chronic diseases and relatively higher rates of mortality and morbidity in these areas range from inadequate transport infrastructure to security concerns to poverty. However, according to an Aga Khan University (AKU) study, telemedicine offers hope for people who suffer from inequitable access to healthcare services, missed opportunities for preventive healthcare and delays in treatment.
What are Endorphins?
These feel good hormones are produced and stored in the pituitary gland, produced naturally by the nervous system to help cope with pain and stress.
The word endorphin comes from “endogenous” which means “from the body” and “morphine” an known pain reliever.
Natural endorphins work similarly to pain relievers, albeit with less dramatic results and can produce a sensation of well-being that is healthy and safe.
Presidential Decree 142/20 from May 25th
The world continues to be wrecked by a pandemic of a highly contagious disease, caused by the novel coronavirus COVID-19, which puts at risk the social relations stability and socioeconomic tissue of sustainability.
A bad day at work. Money worries. A fight with your partner. Even bad traffic when you’re running late. Life is full of big and small stresses. You may think your kids are too young or not mature enough to know that something is going on. But often, the opposite is true. It is known that parents significantly influence the emotional development of their children. When kids see that their parents are stressed, tired, angry, upset or irritated, they can’t help but experience that negative energy as well. Let’s explore together some of the reasons.
It is generally accepted that governments need to guarantee security, health and education to their citizens as fundamental rights. The democracies with the highest development rates are those that choose particularly to build their societies based on these three basic principles.
Novel coronavirus COVID-19 is disrupting life-saving immunization services around the world, putting millions of children – in rich and poor countries alike – at risk of diseases like diphtheria, measles and polio.
Check out this week's online activities for seniores, organized by Elderly Care.
O Aga Khan Health Board (AKHB) convida o Jamat a assistir ao webinar “COVID-19: Emoções à flor da pele”, conduzido pela Dra. Joana Pinheiro, psicóloga clínica do Hospital da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, a realizar-se no dia 30 de maio, às 15h00.
O linho-da-nova-zelândia ou Phormium tenax pode não ter qualquer semelhança com o “nosso” linho, mas na realidade é também uma planta com utilização têxtil. Os Maori - povo indígena da Nova-Zelândia - utilizam as fibras desta planta a que chamam “harakeke” no fabrico de tecidos e artefactos (cordas e cestaria).
Aunque en las escuelas la formación en directo, a través de medios digitales - lecciones de video -, es una novedad a la que nos hemos visto obligados en esta época de pandemia, la tecnología y su uso no son nuevos, porque desde hace muchos años las organizaciones, especialmente las multinacionales – como en las que he trabajado -, la utilizan.
Costuma esquecer-se onde coloca as chaves de casa, onde estaciona o carro ou onde deixa um documento importante do seu trabalho? A neuróbica pode ajudar a manter o seu cérebro vivo.
When attending school, a child is able to develop cognitively, emotionally and socially within the environment. However, with the impact of social isolation and having to rely on distance learning, children have had to learn other skills used occasionally within a classroom setting.
O Programa Nacional para a Prevenção e Controlo do Tabagismo da DGS associou-se às comemorações do Dia Mundial Sem Tabaco, promovido pela OMS no dia 31 de Maio (data que se celebra desde 1987), que convida todos os países a intensificarem o controlo do tabaco como parte das suas estratégias para a diminuição da mortalidade.
Find out about the story of "The qadi and the fly".
Portuguese | Gujrati | Spanish
Os estudantes também podem pedir apoio ao Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana (IHRU) para pagar rendas.
Do you usually forget where you put your house keys, where you park your car or where you leave an important work document? Neurobics can help keep your brain alive.
English and Spanish versions available after the Portuguese one.
O linho-da-nova-zelândia ou Phormium tenax pode não ter qualquer semelhança com o “nosso” linho, mas na realidade é também uma planta com utilização têxtil. Os Maori - povo indígena da Nova-Zelândia - utilizam as fibras desta planta a que chamam “harakeke” no fabrico de tecidos e artefactos (cordas e cestaria).
Quando frequenta a escola, a criança desenvolve-se ao nível cognitivo, emocional e social, dentro do ambiente em que se encontra. Contudo, com o impacto do isolamento social e tendo de recorrer ao ensino à distância, as crianças tiveram de aprender outras competências que eram usadas na sala de aula apenas ocasionalmente.
Aunque en las escuelas la formación en directo, a través de medios digitales - lecciones de video -, es una novedad a la que nos hemos visto obligados en esta época de pandemia, la tecnología y su uso no son nuevos, porque desde hace muchos años las organizaciones, especialmente las multinacionales – como en las que he trabajado -, la utilizan.