What are endorphins? Why do we need them? Where can we get them?

What are  Endorphins?
These feel good hormones are produced and stored in the pituitary gland, produced naturally by the nervous system to help cope with pain and stress.
The word endorphin comes from “endogenous” which means “from the body” and “morphine” an known pain reliever.
Natural endorphins work similarly to pain relievers, albeit with less dramatic results and can produce a sensation of well-being that is healthy and safe.

Why do you need them?

Without endorphins you may suffer from depression, stress and anxiety, chronic headaches, fatigue, muscle stiffness, sleep issues.

Where can we get them?

Endorphins are more of a lifestyle change rather than a bottle filled with pills. 

These lifestyle changes should be incorporated into daily life to boost our levels.

• Regular Consistent Exercise

Exercise boosts mood and increases endorphins. Helps and supports strength, flexibility, cardiovascular health, circulation.  All these factors contribute to a general feeling of well-being and the endorphins produced by exercising further escalates the benefits of feeling good.

• Giving

Volunteering, donating, and helping others make a person feel good, fulfilled.   These actions have proven to activate the pleasure centers in the brain.  And what better way when our philosophy is “Work no Words”.  We have our Ismaili Community structure worldwide built on volunteerism.

• Yoga and Meditation

Meditation and yoga are known for their stress relieving and relaxing effects. Both practices calm the mind, help us connect with our inner selves and naturally lead to a sense of peace and gratitude. 

• Spicy Foods

Interestingly enough, the spicy components in hot peppers and similar foods may trigger a pain sensation in the mouth, which prompts an increase in endorphins. We can now indulge in our favorite achars and chutneys.

• Dark Chocolate

Cocoa powder and chocolate contain chemicals called flavonoids. These flavonoids appear to be beneficial to the brain.  A word of caution, eat in moderation because of the sugar and calories.  Ensure the products contain at least 70 percent cocoa.

• Laughing

A lot of research has been done about the health benefits of laughter.  Social laughter is an important pathway that supports and reinforces the bond between humans, strengthens communication with different cultures, and brings a feeling of togetherness.