When parents express negative emotions, their kids may internalise this behaviour, with or without realising it. Kids can be especially sensitive to their parents’ moods. “It doesn’t mean parents, shouldn’t show their emotions” -- but it does mean that they should be mindful of how they manage them.
A child's surroundings have a great impact on their psyche.
When parents are angry or irritable, this can have a negative influence on the mental stability of their children. If a parent is constantly in a bad mood, then the child is negatively affected both emotionally and cognitively. Yelling at your child or at other family members can produce serious insecurity issues for children.
In some cases, it can also cause your child to have issues with guilt.
Parents’ emotional stability plays a fundamental role in their children’s development. It’s extremely important that parents be aware and control their own behaviour around their children at all times. This recommendation not only favours the adult’s mental health, but also that of the rest of the family.
Stress is brought on by problems such as work, financial issues, etc. If this is the case, it’s good to look for activities that allow you to release negative energy. If you’re unable to control your negative feelings, then you should turn to a specialist.
What’s most important is for parents to model how to find healthy ways to deal with stressful times. Kids learn how to handle stress by watching their parents. When you lean on food, screens, or other bad habits, you’re communicating to your child that those are the best ways to relax.
How happy you are affects how happy and successful your kids are — dramatically.