Content Tagged with Portugal

Costuma esquecer-se onde coloca as chaves de casa, onde estaciona o carro ou onde deixa um documento importante do seu trabalho? A neuróbica pode ajudar a manter o seu cérebro vivo.


O Programa Nacional para a Prevenção e Controlo do Tabagismo da DGS associou-se às comemorações do Dia Mundial Sem Tabaco, promovido pela OMS no dia 31 de Maio (data que se celebra desde 1987), que convida todos os países a intensificarem o controlo do tabaco como parte das suas estratégias para a diminuição da mortalidade.

Find out about the story of "The qadi and the fly".

Portuguese | Gujrati | Spanish

When attending school, a child is able to develop cognitively, emotionally and socially within the environment. However, with the impact of social isolation and having to rely on distance learning, children have had to learn other skills used occasionally within a classroom setting.

Portuguese | Spanish

Do you usually forget where you put your house keys, where you park your car or where you leave an important work document? Neurobics can help keep your brain alive.


Os estudantes também podem pedir apoio ao Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana (IHRU) para pagar rendas.

English and Spanish versions available after the Portuguese one. 

Conheça a história de "O qadi e a mosca".

English | Gujrati | Spanish

Tal como Simone de Beauvoir disse, é na Arte que o homem se ultrapassa. E a música permite-nos expandir os nossos horizontes, ultrapassar barreiras físicas e viajar! Deixamos-lhe, então, algumas propostas para que o possa fazer sem sair de casa.

Os noventa e nove belos nomes de Allah, ou al-asmā' al-husnā.

English | Gujrati | Spanish

Eid ul-Fitr also called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast” marked the end of Ramadan. It is celebrated during the first three days of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar.


In the early years, children explore the world around them, experiment with new concepts, and learn new words and the meaning of words, through singing, dancing, drawing, and dramatic play. The arts can encourage creativity, a love of learning, and motivation to go to school.

Eid ul-Fitr also called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast” marked the end of Ramadan. It is celebrated during the first three days of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar.


In the early years, children explore the world around them, experiment with new concepts, and learn new words and the meaning of words, through singing, dancing, drawing, and dramatic play. The arts can encourage creativity, a love of learning, and motivation to go to school.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on 14th May of the impact of novel coronavirus COVID-19 on Mental Health, with a possible increase in disorders and suicides, urging Governments not to neglect psychological support.

The ninety-nine beautiful names of Allah, or al-asmā' al-husnā.

Portuguese | Gujrati | Spanish

Curious to learn and understand more about our rituals? Volume I of «Faith and Practice in Islamic Traditions» examines concepts of faith as expressed in a range of sources, from the Qur’an to the religious literature of Islamic traditions.

Portuguese | Spanish

Está curioso para aprender e compreender mais sobre os nossos rituais? O primeiro volume de «Fé e prática nas tradições Islâmicas» examina os conceitos de fé expressos em diversas fontes, desde o Qur’an até à literatura religiosa das tradições Islâmicas.

English | Spanish

Curious to learn and understand more about our rituals? Volume I of «Faith and Practice in Islamic Traditions» examines concepts of faith as expressed in a range of sources, from the Qur’an to the religious literature of Islamic traditions.
