Ismaili Centres Archive
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a medical condition in which the force exerted by circulating blood against the walls of the body’s arteries is higher than normal.
As medidas de confinamento estão a aligeirar um pouco, mas ainda temos de manter a disciplina e ficar em casa. Assim, para esta semana temos para si as seguintes propostas.
Como é que os seniores lidam com as emoções no dia-a-dia? A origem dos problemas emocionais decorre de alterações do sistema energético do corpo humano.
How do seniors deal with emotions on a daily basis? The source of emotional problems comes from changes in the energy system of the human body.
As atividades online para os seniores do Jamat continuam a realizar-se todas as semanas, através do Zoom e do WhatsApp. Apesar de as medidas de confinamento terem aligeirado com transição do Estado de Emergência para o Estado de Calamidade, ainda é imprescindível manter o distanciamento social sem, claro, prescindir da interação com familiares e amigos.
Online activities for seniors continue to take place every week, through Zoom and WhatsApp. Although the confinement measures have eased with the transition from the State of Emergency to the State of Calamity, it is still essential to maintain social distancing without, of course, dispensing interaction with family and friends.
O Youth & Sports informa que no dia 17 de maio, domingo, pelas 18h00, irá realizar-se a 4ª sessão do workshop “Body Shaper”, coordenado por Izabel de Paula.
A Fundação Aga Khan Portugal apresenta esta ferramenta para apoiar a aprendizagem autónoma de uma nova língua, desenvolvida em parceria com representantes de diferentes grupos linguísticos.
Qualquer pessoa consegue identificar uma rosa… afinal de contas, trata-se da rainha das flores. Mas quantos conseguem chamar uma rosa pelo seu nome? Hoje, vamos apresentar-vos a rosa ‘Claire Austen’, uma presença inglesa nos jardins do Centro Ismaili.
Hoje, dia 15 de maio, celebramos o Laylat Al-Qadr. Junte-se ao Jamat de Portugal, Espanha e Angola a partir das 19.30h em Contamos com a presença de todos para celebrar esta noite especial como Um Jamat. Conheça o programa detalhado aqui.
As we continue in lockdown, it is important that we look after our dental health.
Here are some tips on how to look after your teeth!
La hipertensión, o presión arterial elevada, es una condición médica en cual la fuerza ejercida por la sangre en circulación contra las paredes de las arterias es más elevada que lo normal.
Mensagem institucional do Presidente do National Council Rahim Firozali no programa de Laylat al-Qadr. English and Spanish versions available after the Portuguese one.
On 1st of May, Africa was brought together by the One Jamat One Africa Program which filled our houses with reflections, hope and music.
Education Board for Angola has launched a new ECD@Home program to support the Jamat during this unprecedented time of novel coronavirus COVID-19 .
It is important to keep healthy in the outbreak of novel coronavirus COVID-19 as it can cause serious illness for people with diabetes.
To mitigate the consequences of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Bank of Angola has issued the instruction 4/2020 on March 30th, establishing measures to protect borrowers (companies and individuals) in their repayment obligations.
The country lives an eminent situation of public calamity motivated by the existence of the risk of novel coronavírus COVID-19 spread, situation that determined the State of Emergency declaration, through the Presidential Decree 81/20 of 25th March, which was extended for two consecutive periods of 15 days through the Presidential Decree No 97/20 of 9th April and after that a third period through the Presidential Decree No 120/20 of April 24th.