Ismaili Centres Archive
Mawlana Hazar Imam has often spoken of the importance of caring for the environment. In Ottawa in 2013, he said, “Our faith constantly reminds us to observe and be thankful for the beauty of the world and the universe around us, and our responsibility and obligation, as good stewards of God’s creation, to leave the world in a better condition than we found it.” Young people today are shouldering this responsibility, and raising awareness of environmental issues, including through the medium of film.
Just three months shy of her first birthday, Houston’s Alesha Kajani was admitted to the hospital. Suffering from an elevated fever and a precariously low red blood count, she was administered four doses of antibiotics. Alesha’s mom, Mehreen, did not understand what was happening to her only child, and prayed that this was just a fluke—something that could be taken care of quickly and life would go back to being all diapers and giggles.
As the impact of climate change intensifies over time, it is the young people of today who will face the worst consequences. To address this urgent issue, the Aga Khan Academies recently held its inaugural Climate and Environment Conference, featuring students from across the Academies network, along with alumni and prominent guests.
Pratique mais desporto e junte-se às atividades do Youth & Sports que estão a decorrer neste momento.
O ITREB da Austrália e Nova Zelândia encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de "Executive Officer". Envie a sua candidatura até 27 de junho de 2021.
O Global Encounters (GE) encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Senior Programme Officer: Global Youth Leadership & Development”. O candidato selecionado ficará baseado em Portugal. Envie a sua candidatura até 30 de junho de 2021.
O Shia Imami Ismaili Tariqah and Religious Education Board for France (ITREB France) encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Executive Officer”, para as suas instalações em Paris. Envie a sua candidatura até 30 de junho de 2021.
Sabe o que vai acontecer no dia 26 de junho? Vamos ter a Cerimónia de Graduação 2021 dos finalistas da Primária.
Do you know what will happen on June 26th? We will have the Graduation Ceremony for our Primary students.
O ITREB informa que três livros de Farmans, recentemente autorizados por Mawlana Hazar Imam, estão agora disponíveis ao Jamat. Estas três publicações contêm Farmans de Hazar Imam dirigidos a vários Jamats à volta do mundo nos períodos de 1995-1998, 2000-2006 e 2007-2008.
ITREB informs that three Farman books, recently authorised by Mawlana Hazar Imam, are now available to the Jamat. These publications cover Hazar Imam’s Farmans addressed to various Jamats around the world in the periods 1995-1998, 2000-2006 and 2007-2008.
É isso mesmo! A nossa galeria de arte virtual está de volta com novos artistas. Venha visitar-nos!
À medida que a idade vai avançando, o corpo pode começar a reagir tardiamente aos comandos do cérebro, gerando sentimentos de desespero e de angústia pela impotência sentida. Estes receios são normais, mas não podemos deixar que se instalem e “paralisem” o nosso quotidiano.
As age goes forward, the body may start to react late to the brain's commands, generating feelings of despair and anguish due to the impotence felt. These fears are normal, but we cannot let them settle in and “paralyze” our daily lives.
Não perca a sessão com Tajbanu Navodia, da Índia, a realizar-se no próximo dia 1 de julho, dirigida a todos os seniores do Jamat. O tema será "Trust & Gratitude".
Don't miss the session with Tajbanu Navodia, from India, to be held on the July 1st for all Jamati seniors. The theme addressed will be "Trust & Gratitude".