Job Listings

Aga Khan Agency for Habitat

Designation - Manager - Resource Mobilization and Communication

Location - Mumbai

Qualifiction -  Master’s degree in Business Development and Administration, Communication, International Relations, Social Sciences, Development Studies, journalism or related field

Experience - More than 7 years of working experience in Resource Mobilization and communication in an international agency, development sectors, UN agencies etc. He/she should also be well versed with the communication protocols and framework for standardised communication practices.

Job responsibilities -
* Adhere to the organizational processes and policies, raise donor funding and effectively market and communicate to AKAH stakeholders in order to contribute to the overall goal of AKAH in India.

Skills required 
•Technical Skills-
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, well versed with donor language, drafting and designing of high-quality Proposals, concept notes, reports and other reports and documentation and timely delivery of assignment

•Other Skills-
Excellent interpersonal communication skills, participatory inclusive approach, drives innovative new approaches to meet the changing needs of AKAH beneficiaries

Salary - As per interview and experience

Status - Open

Contact - [email protected]