Ismaili Centres Archive
Summer has arrived and with it come hot temperatures and the desire to get out of an unstable spring and feel the joy of the long and sunny days. However, we must be aware of the negative effects that some pleasant exaggerations may have, such as dehydration and physical exhaustion caused by excessive heat.
Esta semana, no âmbito das atividades semanais dos seniores, destacamos a celebração do Imamat Day, a realizar-se no dia 10 de junho, com danças indianas, com a participação das cantoras Shaheena e Celina Dhanani e, ainda, com uma atuação do Coro Maiter. A não perder!
This week, featuring seniors’ weekly activities, we highlight the Imamat Day Celebration event, to be held on June 10th, with Indian dances and with the presence of singers Shaheena and Celina Dhanani. Not to miss!
O Torneio Europeu de eChess irá realizar-se no fim de semana de 3 e 4 de julho. Saiba todos os pormenores!
Tax-Free Childcare – a childcare top-up for working parents – can be used to help pay for accredited holiday clubs, childminders or sports activities.
The ban on commercial evictions has been extended to 25 March next year to support businesses facing financial hardship due to the ongoing lockdown limitations
Swindon Food Collective is a local food bank that aims to help people who are suffering from financial hardship and finding it difficult to provide food for themselves, their family or dependants.
Glass Door, a locally based charity that coordinates the UK’s largest open-access network of emergency winter shelters, food and support services for people affected by homelessness.
Aprendi o quão valioso é termos uma atividade onde nos podemos abstrair do nosso stress e onde podemos exprimir e direcionar as nossas emoções.
I learned how valuable it is to have an activity where we can abstract ourselves from our stress and where we can express and direct our emotions.
University of Central Asia student Payrov Dehqonov interned at the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, and helped to analyse data in order to better prepare communities in Tajikistan that are at high-risk of being impacted by natural disasters.