Ismaili Centres Archive
For the past six years, the Aga Khan University-Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (AKU-ISMC) has been breaking new ground in digital methods to study the written heritage of the Islamic tradition. At present, the University runs projects funded by the European Research Council and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that involve building a collection of Arabic texts – now more than 2 billion words – and studying the relationships between books.
The theme of succession brought together a large audience last Sunday, at Argenteuil, Jamatkhana, at the joint initiative of National Conciliation and Arbitration Board, Social Welfare Board and Economic Planning Board, Presentation video here.
Le thème de la succession a réuni un public nombreux, dimanche dernier, Argenteuil, à l’initiative conjointe de National Conciliation and Arbitration Board, de Social Welfare Board et de Economic Planning Board, Vidéo de présentation ici.
AKEB a le plaisir de vous partager, dans cet article, certains outils de soutien destinées aux élèves et aux étudiants.
The Ismaili Community in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea as well as globally wish to congratulate Karim Sumar AM, President of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim Council for his recent appointment as a member (AM) of The Order of Australia, for his significant service to the Ismaili Muslim Community, and the Convenience Retail Industry.
One of Latif Nasser’s favorite childhood memories is of his father bursting into his room in the morning and giving him an animated summary of every story in the newspaper. “I was young and didn’t understand any of it,” said Latif. “But, that helped me realize that the world is an interesting place, and there’s so much exciting stuff going on at all times. How great for us that we get to be alive at this moment!”
Against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, the University of Central Asia celebrated the achievements of its inaugural cohort of graduates: the Class of 2021. A live-streamed convocation brought together students, family members, faculty, and well-wishers across multiple countries and time zones around the world.
O National Council de Portugal encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de "Country Manager" (CM) do projeto Europe Settlement Programme (ESP). Envie a sua candidatura até 18 de junho de 2021.
A Fundação Aga Khan encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Senior Legal and Compliance (SLC) Officer” para as suas instalações em Genebra, Suíça. Envie a sua candidatura até 24 de junho de 2021.
Com a chegada das férias, muitos pais procuram atividades e campos de férias para os seus filhos, de modo a que estes tenham um verão interessante, ocupado, ao mesmo tempo que expandem os seus horizontes e desenvolvem novas competências.
Encontras-te a acabar o ensino básico? Vais passar para o 10º ano mas ainda não sabes se queres fazer um curso profissional ou ir para o ensino secundário comum? O AKEB está aqui para te ajudar!
O Aga Khan Health Board (AKHB) for Portugal assinou um protocolo com a Fundação Champalimaud, com condições especiais para os membros da Comunidade Muçulmana Ismaili.
A ADEE, em conjunto com o Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB), irá organizar um ”Jantar Empresarial em Mesa Redonda”, com o Dr. Paulo Portas como orador principal, que se debruçará sobre a temática “A Nova Economia Pós-Covid e algumas reflexões sobre o Plano de Resiliência em Portugal”.
As novidades da ADEE surgem todos os dias e, desta vez, não é exceção! Convidamo-lo a visitar o site renovado da nossa Associação.
Está a chegar o Verão e, com ele, as brisas de esperança, ondas de afeto e muita vontade de brindar à vida e ao convívio. Com a tempestade pandémica a acalmar-se, pouco a pouco, e mantendo os devidos cuidados de segurança, já será possível vislumbrar momentos e espaços de pequenas reuniões de convívio com os familiares e amigos.
The summer is coming and with it the breezes of hope, waves of affection and a great desire to toast Life and conviviality. With the pandemic storm calming down little by little, and keeping the necessary safety precautions, it will be possible to glimpse moments and spaces of small social gatherings with family and friends.
As atividades online para os seniores do Jamat continuam a realizar-se todas as semanas. Conheça as atividades e caso tenha interesse em participar, contacte os membros do Elderly Care.
Online activities for Jamati seniors continue to take place every week. Learn more about them and if you are interested in participating, contact Elderly Care members.