Ismaili Centres Archive
Sadiq Kassamo tem 47 anos, é casado, tem uma filha e é empresário na área da hotelaria, em Lisboa. Aos 35 anos começou a sentir pontadas no coração, devido ao stress no trabalho. Na altura, trabalhava cerca de 80 horas por semana. Conheça a sua história e saiba como a adoção de um estilo de vida mais saudável e equilibrado lhe mudou a vida.
A realidade impele para se agir de forma responsiva, para a transformação. No artigo “A sociedade plural num mundo globalizado”, o professor fala de educação multicultural.
Making Paradise: Exploring the Concept of Eden through Art and Islamic Garden Design is the latest exhibition at the Aga Khan Centre Gallery in London, UK. In this interview, its curator Esen Salma Kaya gives an insight into the multi-sensory show, the diverse artists involved, and planning it “from the heart.”
President Uhuru Kenyatta presented the Aga Khan University with a newly granted charter at a special ceremony held in Nairobi yesterday. The event also included the inauguration of AKU’s University Centre, and featured an address by Mawlana Hazar Imam.
Established in 1967, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) brings together human, financial and technical resources to address the challenges faced by the poorest and most marginalised communities in the world. Special emphasis is placed on investing in human potential, expanding opportunity and improving the overall quality of life.
Globally, the majority of mental health care continues to be provided in psychiatric hospitals, and human rights abuses and coercive practices remain all too common. But providing community-based mental health care that is both respectful of human rights and focused on recovery is proving successful and cost-effective, according to new guidance released today by the World Health Organization.
World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on the 5th June and is the United Nations principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment.
Many changes in business models and consumer behaviour during the pandemic will stick, but action will be needed to ensure the rebound is not uneven.
Sentes que os livros muitas vezes não são claros e acabas por ficar frustrado ao estudar?
O TLA tem a solução para ti! A partir de hoje, o teu estudo não tem de ser um momento com stress, mas sim um momento em que te potencias ao máximo!
Este foi o pilar mais importante que o desporto de alta competição me forneceu. Esforço.
Do you feel that books are often unclear and you end up getting frustrated when studying?
Then, The Learning Academy (TLA) has the solution for you! From now on, your study does not have to be a stressful moment, but rather a moment in which you get the most out of it!
This was the most important pillar that top-level sport provided me with. Effort.
Le livret NCAB de Bonnes pratiques en matière commerciales, professionnelles et familiales disponible pour la France, la Suisse et la Belgique, et en diverses langues.
Best practices booklets for commercial, professional and family relationships available for Switzerland, Belgium and France
Le livret NCAB de Bonnes pratiques en matière commerciales, professionnelles et familiales disponible pour la France, la Suisse et la Belgique, et en diverses langues.