Ismaili Centres Archive
On 13 December 2019 the global Jamat celebrated Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 83rd birthday. On this occasion, Dar-at-Talim students put together a show for our Jamat to express their love and gratitude towards Mawlana Hazar Imam.
O Institute of Ismaili Studies encontra-se a organizar o GPISH, um curso com a duração de 3 anos.
Em 2020, o Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) terá oito cursos disponíveis.
The Aga Khan Economic Planning Board, in partnership with Deloitte, one of the leading companies in consulting, taxes, financial services, hosted a seminar on the crucial relevance of VAT its impact in Angola.
Twice a month, members of the Jamat come together to play sports, participate in lectures, and learn how to maintain a healthy life style.
On 7 December 2019 the Aga khan Health Board and the Women´s Activities Portfolio for Angola joined hands and held a seminar about Breast Cancer.
No passado dia 4 de dezembro, a atividade de Golden Age em Oeiras contou com uma sessão de Tai-Chi, para todos os membros Seniores do Jamatkhana de Oeiras.
No passado dia 5 de dezembro, a atividade do Golden Age no Seixal contou com a presença dos seniores do Seixal, Lisboa e Oeiras.
A SIDA é uma doença que resulta da infeção porum vírus, o Vírus da Imunodeficiência adquirida ou VIH, que reduz as defesas do organismo contra muitas doenças e cancros.
A Câmara Municipal de Sintra e a Fundação Aga Khan Portugal apresentaram, no passado dia 11 de dezembro, o “Plano Municipal para o Envelhecimento Ativo, Saudável e Inclusivo 2019/2023”.
No passado dia 11 de dezembro, o Príncipe Hussain visitou o Centro Ismaili de Lisboa para inaugurar uma exposição de obras de arte realizadas pelos alunos do Talim (aulas de educação religiosa e civilizacional), inspiradas no seu Ensaio Fotográfico “O Mar Vivo”, atualmente exposto no Museu de História Natural e da Ciência, em Lisboa.
Para celebrar o Natal em Lisboa, enquadrado na programação da Cultura na Rua - o Centro Ismaili, Lisboa contará com 3 visitas guiadas e 2 concertos no dia 14 e 1 concerto no dia 18 de dezembro.
Salgirah Mubarak,
On behalf of the Ismaili Institutions we would like to express our heartfelt felicitations on the auspicious occasion of our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 83rd Birthday. May our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam be blessed with good health and happiness, and may he guide us on Siratal Mustakim. Ameen. On this very happy occasion we would like also to share with the Angola Jamat the launch of the 1st Edition of the The.Ismaili Angola Newsletter. We hope the Jamat will read and enjoy this new format. We would like also to thank to the Ismaili Volunteer Corps for all their efforts on a day-to-day basis, they are the strength of our community. May we all keep practicing our faith with peace and unity.
Thank you,
President Zahir Aly Sidi
A exposição “Vês o que eu vejo?” inclui obras de arte realizadas pelos alunos do Talim e encontra-se patente no Salão de Exposições do Centro Ismaili, Lisboa entre os dias 12 e 17 de dezembro.
Prince Hussain visited the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon yesterday to inaugurate an exhibition of artwork designed by students from the Portugal Jamat’s Talim (religious education) classes, inspired by The Living Sea photo exhibition currently on display at the National Museum of Natural History and Science in Lisbon.
On the occasion of Mawlana Hazar Imam's 83rd birthday, the Tanzania Ismaili Volunteer Corps created a song that commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Ismaili Volunteer Corps.
All around the world the IVC centenary was marked by celebrations to commend this wonderful service by volunteers who manage the day-to-day operations of Jamatkhanas, as well as contributing actively to civil society.
This November, Farouk Noormohamed visited Kampala and addressed the Jamat on architecture and his experience of designing the award-winning Ismaili Centre in Dushanbe and the Jamatkhana in Khorog.