All around the world the IVC centenary was marked by celebrations to commend this wonderful service by volunteers who manage the day-to-day operations of Jamatkhanas, as well as contributing actively to civil society.

The IVC - a century old tradition - began in India. Volunteering is a Muslim tradition upheld by Ismaili Murids both in the day-to-day operations of Jamatkhanas, as well as contributing actively to civil society.

Throughout his Imamat, Mawlana Hazar Imam has often acknowledged the long-standing tradition of voluntary service within our community and the importance of continuing that tradition today and into the future.

In Berlin, Germany on 3 October 2005, he said, “I am fortunate to lead an international community with a strong social conscience. Bridging North and South, East and West, the Ismailis have a long tradition of philanthropy, self-reliance and voluntary service. Wherever they live, they faithfully abide by the Quranic ethic of a common humanity and the dignity of man. They willingly pool knowledge and resources with all those who share our social ethic to help improve the quality of life of less fortunate men, women, and children.”

In Angola, more than 100 volunteers and their families came together to celebrate this special occasion.