A renowned gynecologist and surgeon, shared pertinent information with an audio-visual presentation to address the issue of Breast Cancer outlining various issues such as early prevention, symptoms, nutrition, family history and the importance of self-examination. This informative session was simultaneously translated into Gujarati and was followed by a Q&A session.
A lady member of the Jamat shared, an unguarded and eloquent discourse about her personal journey and her challenges with battling and surviving Breast Cancer with courage, hope, positivity and strength. This candid revelation was met with open hearts and ears, flooded with curious questions and rewarded with honest and straightforward answers making the seminar an unmitigated success.
A pot luck lunch, with a variety of specialties was enjoyed, and the occasion culminated with the application of mehndi, dandiya raas, local dance, music, conversation and fun, allowing everyone to enjoy and celebrate the upcoming Salgirah.