On 13 December 2019 the global Jamat celebrated Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 83rd birthday. On this occasion, Dar-at-Talim students put together a show for our Jamat to express their love and gratitude towards Mawlana Hazar Imam.

This performance took place at CIF´s building auditorium in Luanda after religious ceremonies. There were two sessions, both with Jamati members of all ages.

The three classes of Dar-at-Talim Angola performed with all classes joining in for the Grand Finale where all students carried a flag from each country with Ismaili community, dancing and singing the beautiful “One Jamat” song.

The Kindergarten students performed a dance which showed their love and gratitude for the Imam. Children from Grade One performed Qawalis, which is a form of music performed by the Sufis to stimulate religious devotion and a sense of spiritual closeness to God.  And finally Grade Two students prepared a theatre act about unity and coming together, these are qualities which are part of the basic principles of Islam. One of our many teachings of our beloved Imam is that unity may solve many problems and improve ourselves.

It was without a doubt a very joyful moment shared between the children, teachers, parents and all the members of the Jamat. Mowlana Hazar Imam prioritizes religious education as it is essential on the building of our children’s character and for the awareness of our faith.