Ismaili Centres Archive
At the age of eight, Yannik Rahman discovered his passion and drive for tennis. Inspired by tennis players like Serena Williams, Roger Federer, and Novak Djokovic, Yannik has learned to conquer his fears and challenges during play-offs, from encountering gusty winds of 40 mph or persevering during a tournament despite his fractured shoulder. "Honestly, the main key for success in tennis and in life is to work hard and to believe that you can do anything, even in the toughest moments,” says Yannik.
The Ismaili Council for Gilgit hosted the Rays of Light exhibition that showcases Mawlana Hazar Imam’s life, vision and contributions towards uplifting the quality of life for individuals around the world.
As I prepare to leave for Kazan to attend the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, I feel somewhat stunned by the immense privilege of being part of such a unique event set to take place in such a magnificent city...
Sanitation is a pressing global developmental issue on which the Government of India has been working since the past two decades. In line with Government’s plans, AKAHI has been successfully working in the field of rural water, sanitation and hygiene promotion since 1995, leading to significant improvement in the hygiene standards of people across its project locations. On the occasion of world Toilet day on 19 November 2019, we bring you details of activities done by AKAHI and its impact.
Join us from the Aga Khan Museum on Sunday 24 November for an inspiring session, as Deborah Ahenkorah — one of the winners of the 2019 Global Pluralism Award — shares insights from her experience supporting African writers and illustrators and publishing children’s books from across the African continent. Ms Ahenkorah is co-founder and CEO of Golden Baobab, a social enterprise that aims to promote African literature for children. The event will begin at 2 PM EST and will be webcast here.
Mawlana Hazar Imam toured the site of the Ismaili Center Houston yesterday, 22 November, alongside the Center’s design team and the leadership of the USA Jamat. During his trip, Mawlana Hazar Imam also met with City of Houston Mayor the Honorable Sylvester Turner.
Nesta altura do ano, com as primeiras chuvas, muitas matas e jardins enchem-se de cogumelos, para deleite das crianças e visitantes curiosos. Com formas, tamanhos e cores muito variadas, os cogumelos são na realidade as estruturas reprodutoras (ou carpóforos) de alguns tipos de fungos, cuja estrutura base é geralmente invisível a olho nu.
Por ocasião do Mês de Consciencialização para as Doenças da Próstata, no próximo dia 26 de novembro de 2019, das 18h00 às 19h00, irá realizar-se a sessão de esclarecimento "Novembro Azul", sobre o Cancro da Próstata, no Auditório do Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa.
Two young Ismailis, Shams Charania and Sabreena Merchant, are now in the forefront of reporting for the National Basketball Association (NBA).
There are twenty seconds left and you are at the edge of your seat. It could be anyone's match and suddenly there is a power outage. You suddenly remember that you follow Shams Charania and Sabreena Merchant on Twitter, among the most-followed and high-profiled NBA-reporters in the business. And as you realize that your team has won, you get the satisfaction of being the first to message your friends as you heard it directly from the best in the industry.
A ADEE - Associação para o Desenvolvimento Económico e Empresarial, encontra-se a recrutar um “Gestor Operacional/Associativo (m/f)".
O Elderly Care convida todos os Seniores a participarem na atividade “Caminhadas”, a decorrer em Lisboa e no Seixal.
No passado dia 14 de novembro, teve lugar no Centro Ismaili a conferência “Brexit: Implicações para a Economia Portuguesa”. Esta noite foi também marcada pela assinatura de um protocolo de colaboração entre o Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) e o Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG).
No passado dia 14 de novembro, a atividade do Golden Age no Centro Ismaili, Lisboa, contou com uma atividade de artes marciais.
No passado dia 12 de novembro, realizou-se mais uma visita dos Seniores à exposição “O Mar Vivo: Ensaio fotográfico de Hussain Aga Khan".
As atividades do Golden Age irão continuar na próxima quinta-feira, dia 28 de novembro, pelas 16h00, no Centro Ismaili, Lisboa.
As candidaturas para a Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Local Colaborativo estão abertas até 3 de janeiro de 2020.
Mawlana Hazar Imam presided over the Global Pluralism Award ceremony on Wednesday 20 November, a biennial event hosted by the Global Centre for Pluralism. The Award recognises the extraordinary achievements of organisations, individuals, and governments around the world who exemplify living peacefully and productively with diversity.
Mawlana Hazar Imam arrived in Canada today, accompanied by Princess Zahra, in advance of a ceremony to recognise the recipients of the 2019 Global Pluralism Award.
Applications are now open for a series of eight short courses offered by the Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) in 2020 as part of its continuing education programme.
“I have a firm belief that my business will grow. I want to earn enough so I can support the educational aspirations of the less-privileged children from my village.” - Azeem Khan