Ismaili Centres Archive
No passado dia 9 de janeiro, o Elderly Care, em parceria com o Aga Khan Health Board, realizou uma sessão sobre o “Projeto Despertar” para todos os Seniores do Jamat.
A Associação Pão a Pão, criadora do Mezze, vai levar portugueses e imigrantes seniores para a cozinha. Vamos passar o fogão a quem sabe.
No dia 15 de janeiro, cerca de 14 entidades estiveram na Escola Aquilino Ribeiro, em Porto Salvo, para um encontro de parceiros visando refletir e agir sobre as perspetivas e percursos de vida das crianças e jovens do território dos Navegadores e Carnaxide.
No passado dia 13 de janeiro, Sua Excelência o Presidente da República Portuguesa, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa visitou a Academia Aga Khan em Maputo, por ocasião da apresentação do novo Presidente da Academia. Esteve acompanhado por Teresa Ribeiro, Secretária de Estado de Portugal dos Negócios Estrangeiros e da Cooperação, e Maria Amélia de Paiva, Embaixadora de Portugal em Moçambique.
Over the last two and a half years, a husband and wife team from Vancouver, Canada, have helped to establish the palliative programme at the Aga Khan University (AKU) Hospital in Karachi. Through onsite visits, numerous remote conferences, and ongoing correspondence with the local team, the couple were able to set up a sustainable, long-term programme, the first of its kind in Pakistan.
His Excellency President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa visited the Aga Khan Academy in Maputo on 13 January, while in Mozambique for the inauguration of its new President. He was accompanied by Ms Teresa Ribeiro, Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Portuguese Government, and Ms Maria Amélia de Paiva, Portugal’s Ambassador to Mozambique.
His Excellency President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa visited the Aga Khan Academy in Maputo on 13 January, while in Mozambique for the inauguration of its new President. He was accompanied by Ms Teresa Ribeiro, Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Portuguese Government, and Ms Maria Amélia de Paiva, Portugal’s Ambassador to Mozambique.
Advances in science, technology, and improved health care and nutrition are all contributing to increased longevity of life, along with advanced diagnosis and treatment of health conditions. A number of Ismailis in the USA are leading the way in these fields of endeavour.
Existem momentos na sua vida em que se sente perdido ou assoberbado por inúmeras responsabilidades, tarefas e expectativas? Gostaria de saber gerir melhor o seu tempo e tomar controlo do seu tempo, sem ter de andar constantemente a mil?
Do you ever feel lost or overwhelmed by countless responsibilities, tasks, and expectations? Would you like to know how to manage your time better and take control of your time, without having to be constantly on the go?
Last month, young members of the Jamat in Pakistan had the opportunity to tour interior Sindh and Karachi on a journey to reflect on and understand the importance of cultural heritage. The trip was organised as part of the Heritage Discovery Tour (HDT), a flagship programme of the Arts and Culture portfolio of the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan.
Numa iniciativa do Programa OnOeiras, uma parceria entre a Fundação Aga Khan Portugal e o Município de Oeiras, 25 jovens viajaram até à Covilhã, nos passados dias 13, 14 e 15 de Dezembro, para escalar a serra e testar limites, em autodescobertas várias e permanentes.
Did you know women's mental health has a direct impact on the well-being of their families? Join us for a live webcast from the Ismaili Centre Toronto on Bell Let's Talk Day, January 29, 2020, for a panel discussion with esteemed speakers from Women's College Hospital Foundation to learn about the barriers in women's mental health and for an inspiring discussion on new initiatives to help bridge these gaps. The event will be streamed at at 7 PM EST.
A Ghana Expo 2020 é a maior exposição anual e multissectorial do Gana, onde os participantes poderão conhecer importadores e/ou potenciais distribuidores da região.
O Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) e a Escola de Condução Laranjeiras celebraram um Protocolo de cooperação para todos os membros da Comunidade Ismaili.
O Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) assinou um protocolo de colaboração com o ISEG - Lisbon School of Economic & Management.
O 2º Período de aulas do Dar-at-Ta’lim terá início no dia 11 de janeiro de 2020, sábado.