Ismaili Centres Archive
O Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) encontra-se a recrutar um "Educational Programmes Manager". As candidaturas encontram-se abertas até 15 de janeiro de 2020.
Gostarias de terminar o ensino secundário no estrangeiro, a viver noutro país, a comunicar com outras pessoas e a conhecer uma nova cultura, enquanto estudas e participas em diversas atividades extracurriculares, voluntariado e desporto?
Escute o que o Dr. Mário Cordeiro, a autora Kathy Silva e a professora Luísa Bexo têm para dizer sobre o papel da arte no desenvolvimento da criança. Não perca esta oportunidade, venha com o seu filho ao próximo ECD Day.
A obesidade infantil é um dos grandes problemas no século XXI. Segundo dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) esta é considerada uma doença e está presente mundialmente.
Numa iniciativa do Programa OnOeiras, uma parceria entre a Fundação Aga Khan Portugal e o Município de Oeiras, 25 jovens viajaram até à Covilhã, nos passados dias 13, 14 e 15 de Dezembro, para escalar a serra e testar limites, em autodescobertas várias e permanentes.
Todos gostamos de apreciar a bela arquitetura ou os encantos da natureza, mas se pudermos juntar os dois…é perfeito!
Meredith Preston McGhie was appointed as the Global Centre for Pluralism’s Secretary General in October 2019, and presided over the recent Global Pluralism Awards, alongside Mawlana Hazar Imam. Here she explains the meaning of pluralism, and how the Centre is addressing today’s urgent global challenges.
Seven days, two cities, 62 Ismaili youth from all over Pakistan and a plethora of emotions, memories and lifelong friendships. This sums up the flagship programme, Broadening Horizon Youth Camp (BHYC), of the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan (AKYSBP) held in Lahore and Islamabad from the 24th of December through the 30th of December, 2019. Continuing its legacy, this year the BHYC used a multidisciplinary approach to ensure that Ismaili youth develop the tenacity and drive to make positive, informed choices in addressing contemporary challenges, take pride in their identity and are able to enhance their leadership skills to become ambassadors of the community.
O Hospital da Luz Lisboa encontra-se a promover um programa destinado aos pais de jovens adolescentes.
O campo de futebol júnior (4x4) encontra-se em funcionamento todos os domingos, na INATEL, das 11h00 às 12h00, para quem quiser jogar futebol.
O Youth & Sports deu início a uma nova atividade, o “Futebol Juvenil”, que tem lugar na INATEL todos os domingos das 11h00 às 13h00, com a coordenação de André Rocha, Tiago Reis e Helder Eira.
Charity event held at David Bernardino’s Pediatric Hospital in Luanda brought joy to sick children.
No passado dia 18 de dezembro de 2019, os Aga Khan Master Musicians com o convidado especial Jasser Haj-Youssef presentearam a audiência no Centro Ismaili, em Lisboa, destacando a união entre diferentes países e continentes, e entre o presente e o passado, ao explorar várias formas de música clássica, folclórica, jazz e contemporânea.
On behalf of The Ismaili, we wish all our readers a Happy New Year, and hope that 2020 brings you lots of joy, happiness, and good health.
In a recent interview for The Ismaili online on women in the public service, I asserted that women of color are often absent from decision-making processes. I could not have wished for anything better than to have been proven wrong by Samina, Nahla, Nazneen, and Shenaz, my inspirational Ismaili colleagues at the United Nations. While there are more than can be featured here, the four women I had the opportunity to speak with have remarkable stories and reflections on their careers, on the role of the UN over its 74 years, and on what has contributed to their success over the years.
As part of the 10th anniversary celebrations of the Ismaili Centre, Dubai, architects Rami El Dahan and Soheir Farid visited the Centre earlier this year and looked back on the successes and challenges in designing a welcoming building of timeless elegance.
On 18 December 2019, the Aga Khan Master Musicians with special guest Jasser Haj-Youssef delighted an audience at the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon. They highlighted the unity between different countries and continents, and between the present and the past by exploring various forms of classical, folk, jazz, and contemporary music.
In an effort to highlight the importance of tolerance, President of the UAE His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has proclaimed this year the ‘Year of Tolerance’. With this in mind, an event called DiversiTree was recently held at the Ismaili Centre Dubai. The project, which is part art installation and part performance art, brought together the collective creativity of the community to design a transformative experience for children and adults. This collaborative installation and performance brought to life the concept of diversity, while at the same time developing a breathtaking creation of artistic beauty.
On 17 December 2019, Naureen Karim Shariff was conferred with the Freedom of the City of London in a ceremony officiated in the presence of family, friends, and colleagues at the esteemed Chamberlain’s Court at The Guildhall in London.
Music college graduate and second-generation singer in his family, Chorshanbe Alovatov from Tajikistan won the popular Central Asia’s Got Talent show final on 22 December 2019. The show, which toured four countries in the region, culminated in Almaty, Kazakhstan.