Ismaili Centres Archive
Since the beginning of time, people have handed down knowledge and lessons from one generation to the next in the form of stories. The novelist Haruki Murakami once said that “Stories lie deep in our souls. Stories lie so deep at the bottom of our hearts that they can bring people together at the deepest level.” For one young member of the Jamat in the Far East, continuing this centuries-old tradition is of crucial importance.
From new networking groups to offering new skills development and information on new careers, over the last year, IPN has transformed the organization to engage professionals and entrepreneurs in the Jamat virtually.
Hoje partilhamos consigo um artigo do formador Nuno Jorge Cruz da Silva que nos fala sobre a aprendizagem ao longo da vida e a sua importância! Leia o artigo abaixo e não se esqueça que há sempre oportunidade para aprender algo novo!
O novo ano já chegou, para muitas pessoas é sinónimo de recomeçar, definir novas metas e criar outras oportunidades. É altura de fazer um balanço do ano que ficou para trás e planear o que aí vem.
Dado o contexto da pandemia que enfrentamos, as incertezas e receios na saúde, na educação, no trabalho e na vida familiar podem conduzir a um desequilíbrio no que diz respeito ao nosso bem-estar físico e mental.
Como Confúcio diz, quando a música e a cortesia forem entendidas e apreciadas, a guerra desaparece. Já parou para pensar no verdadeiro poder da música?
As constipações e gripes são muito frequentes nos meses mais frios e, geralmente, curam-se de forma espontânea. Porém, podem surgir complicações, especialmente nas pessoas cuja resistência às infeções é menor, seja pela idade (65 anos ou mais) ou por sofrerem de determinada doença crónica.
Colds and flu are very common in the coldest months and usually heal spontaneously. However, complications can arise, especially in people whose resistance to infections is lower, either by age (65 years or more) or by suffering from a certain chronic disease.
Os seniores continuam a participar todas as semanas nas atividades online promovidas pelo Elderly Care. Conheça os horários e dias da semana em que elas se realizam e participe!
Seniors continue taking part in the weekly online activities organized by Elderly Care. Find out their schedules and dates and start taking part now!
Com o início do novo ano, podemos usar este período a nosso favor para adotar hábitos e escolhas mais saudáveis. Para tal, o The Learning Academy recomenda o The Ismaili TV, que disponibiliza diversas ideias, opções, podcasts e exercícios.
Cada vez mais, um conceito que parece tão simples como é o work-life balance é tomado por garantido e negligenciado. No entanto, também cada vez mais, é necessário e importante garantir este equilíbrio para alcançar o bem-estar e felicidade.
Presently, a concept that seems as simple as work-life balance is taken for granted and sometimes neglected. However, increasingly it is necessary and important to guarantee this balance to achieve well-being and happiness
With the beginning of the new year, we can use this period to our advantage to adopt healthier habits and choices. To this end, The Learning Academy recommends The Ismaili TV, which offers several ideas, options, podcasts and exercises
Sensitive to the needs of our young Jamat in a time of uncertainty, and in the absence of regular in-person camp offerings, the virtual Mosaic camp was an example of innovation and dedication from a small group of volunteers in the UK, looking to inspire and educate leaders of the future.
With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, community leadership of the Far East region was faced with the unique challenge of engaging a widely dispersed Jamat living in 12 different countries without being able to engage physically. As centres were suspended and travel came to a standstill, the Ismail Council for the Far East adapted by utilising webinars, social media, and other modes of technology to keep the community connected with their faith with each other. Ultimately, technology was the tool that helped unite everyone and strengthened the relationship between the community and its institutions.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced teachers and students around the world to make an abrupt transition from classrooms to remote learning as schools, universities, and other educational centres were closed. Many communities in Asia were not prepared for this sudden change, but the Ismaili community in the Far East have helped to smooth the transition.
As governments imposed stringent lockdowns with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ismaili CIVIC in the Far East supported a number of initiatives to assist the communities of Singapore and Malaysia. The focus of these initiatives was to assist vulnerable segments of society who were at high-risk of facing financial and health-related challenges during the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns.
Shama Sarangi-Virani is on the frontlines of Covid-19 testing. She works as a pharmacy clinical service manager and for the time being, has traded in her pharmacist’s white coat for personal protective equipment.