Ismaili Centres Archive
Eight Ismaili women of Pakistani origin were honoured with recognition in the list of 100 Outstanding Women Nurses and Midwives. They were among the 100 women from 43 countries who were acknowledged for making significant contributions to the fields of nursing and midwifery. The list was a collaboration between several major development agencies focused on global health and nursing which included the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Nursing Now, International Council of Nurses (ICN), International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) and Women in Global Health (WGH).
If you need support from a mental health professional, you can find a mental health provider in your area through the county and state resources listed below available within the Central Region.
If you need support from a mental health professional, you can find a mental health provider in your area through the county and state resources listed below available within the Florida Region.
If you need support from a mental health professional, you can find a mental health provider in your area through the county and state resources listed below available within the Midwest Region.
If you need support from a mental health professional, you can find a mental health provider in your area through the county and state resources listed below available within the Southeast Region.
If you need support from a mental health professional, you can find a mental health provider in your area through the county and state resources listed below available within the Southwest Region.
If you need support from a mental health professional, you can find a mental health provider in your area through the county and state resources listed below available within the Western region.
If you need support from a mental health professional, you can find a mental health provider in your area through the county and state resources listed below available within the Northeast Region.
“Reopening of Jamatkhanas was like a light and hope for every Jamati member. To follow all the new guidelines wasn’t easy for us as volunteers and for the Jamat in general. This was indeed a new experience for us all.” Bakhtatun Bakhtalieva, New York.
With optimism and hope for a new beginning, and as we all think about our resolutions for the new year, The Ismaili would like to share with you 21 Goals for 2021!
With a nod to each one of our 21 Ismaili Council jurisdictions across the globe, and inspired by our 20 Goals for 2020, we hope we can resolve to accomplish them all together.
Happy New Year!
Welcome to The Ismaili Magazine 2020: A Year of Extraordinary Service. This digital magazine provides a whistle-stop tour across continents, highlighting the various programmes, initiatives, and events organised by AKDN and Jamati institutions around the world over the past 12 months.
Sabia que os Jogos Olímpicos de 2024, a acontecer em Paris, vão passar a incluir o breakdance como nova modalidade? Mas porque é que isso é importante para a arte e cultura, pergunta-se. Um estilo de dança, tão específico, passa a fazer parte da competição? É a arte a construir pontes, mais uma vez.
O mundo mudou no último ano. Temos sido desafiados a repensar e a reorganizar as nossas expectativas, rotinas e relações. A nossa capacidade de aceitação e adaptação tem sido testada, talvez, como poucas vezes o terá sido no passado.
The world has changed in the last year. We have been challenged to rethink and reorganize our expectations, routines and relationships. Our ability to accept and adapt has been tested, perhaps, as never before.
Os seniores continuam a participar todas as semanas nas atividades online promovidas pelo Elderly Care. Conheça os horários e dias da semana em que elas se realizam e participe!
Seniors continue taking part in the weekly online activities organized by Elderly Care. Find out their schedules and dates and start taking part now!
Com a chegada do inverno, as queixas de dor são mais frequentes. Conheça os benefícios da prática de atividade física no inverno.
Nos dias de hoje, ainda se observa alguma conotação negativa associada à utilização de computadores, tablets, jogos, aplicações, entre outros, por parte das crianças. No entanto, cada vez mais, e recentemente reforçado pela crise pandémica, existe uma maior consciência da importância que a educação tecnológica tem no crescimento das crianças e jovens e para o seu futuro profissional.
It is tempting to think that we can just leave 2020 behind and look ahead to a fresh new year. However, this might be short-sighted. The bigger picture suggests that collectively, we have never learned so much in such a short space of time — about the world, about each other, and about ourselves. It would be wise to hold on to these lessons, as we may soon need to put them into action...
The Aspire programme provides one-to-one mentoring to youth members of our Jamat to empower them to make positive choices and unlock their potential. Mentors have the opportunity to learn valuable mentoring techniques and develop their life skills.