Emergencies and disasters are not new for us in India. In the last year alone, we have seen six major cyclones across India, heavy floods and the chaos caused by Covid-19. As we prepare for a better 2021, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) is pleased to announce the release of its Family Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan. This is a plan made by your family and for your family. It includes two parts: a basic form that covers important information about you and your family and instructions on how to assemble an emergency kit.
To access the form in English click here
To access the form in Gujarati click here
To access the information booklet click here
As you’re filling in the plan, if you have questions please reach out to your Community Emergency Response Team member (CERT) or Disaster Management Deputy (DMD).
Remember: we cannot control what happens to us. But we can control how we respond. Preparation saves lives. Stay prepared. Stay safe.