Ismaili Centres Archive
Situated in Spring, a Houston suburb, this Jamatkhana has architectural elements that are reflective of the values and vision of traditional Islamic architecture, such as symmetry, balance, light, and geometry.
Since Navroz this year, every special occasion in 2020 has been celebrated quite differently to what we are used to — and this New Year’s Eve will be no different. With many stuck at home and large gatherings prohibited around the world, The Ismaili TV is pleased to provide the opportunity to celebrate the start of 2021 as One Jamat — in your very own home.
Presented by Volunteer's Capacity Building Portfolio, Council for Pakistan
Many of us spend our weekends having much needed downtime, catching up with chores or spending time with family. How willing would you be to give that up? Yasmin Heath from Brighton Jamatkhana in the UK did just this when she served on a TKN assignment in Europe. For one weekend every month, for six months, Yasmin travelled to Germany to voluntarily help murids from Afghanistan learn English language skills.
O IIS encontra-se a recrutar, para as suas instalações em Londres, Reino Unido, um/a “Educational Programmes Manager”. Envie a sua candidatura até 15 de janeiro de 2021.
Atualmente, na sociedade de consumo em que habitamos e especialmente nas épocas mais festivas, há uma maior tendência para ceder ao consumismo, especialmente por parte das crianças. Enquanto pais, é importante perceber como podemos ajudar as nossas crianças a não cair neste problema e tentação.
A nossa missão semanal é dar-lhe propostas que tragam cor e inspiração aos seus dias, através da Arte. Esta semana, propomos-lhe uma incursão por nove jardins de Lisboa. Mas não precisa de os ir visitar todos.
Vivemos o dia-a-dia numa boa e atarefada corrida. Talvez agora menos acelerada devido à pandemia, que nos imobilizou em muitas das nossas apressadas responsabilidades. Mas nessa corrida do dia-a-dia, mais ou menos acelerada, certamente que já deve ter dado por si a refletir sobre algumas questões…
We live our daily routine in a good and busy race. Perhaps now in a less accelerated way, due to the pandemic which has immobilized us in many of our hurried responsibilities. But in this daily race, more or less accelerated, you must have certainly found yourself thinking about some issues…
Os seniores continuam a participar todas as semanas nas atividades online promovidas pelo Elderly Care. Esta semana, destacamos a sessão sobre "Construir resiliência através do otimismo", que permitiu aos seniores falarem sobre a felicidade.
Seniors continue taking part in the weekly online activities promoted by Elderly Care. This week, we highlight the session on "Building resilience through optimism", which allowed seniors to talk about happiness.
Perdeu a motivação para praticar exercício? Conheça algumas sugestões para a recuperar!
Amina Vali e Inaara Genebra Ahmad - Clã do Grupo 36 Lisboa - partilharam, na primeira pessoa, o impacto que a pandemia teve nas suas vidas pessoal, escolar e escotista, através de dois artigos de opinião que poderão elucidar um pouco a forma como muitos jovens (sobre)vivem a pandemia.
Whether you define it as seva, khidmat, or serviço, the ethic of offering service has been at the foundation of many selfless institutions and individuals around the world. This ethic is seen within our community and beyond, which can help to foster an active and healthy civil society. Youth leaders from around the world have adapted this very mindset: enabling communities through ‘building bridges.’ This phrase of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s is vital to forming a knowledge society, in which best practices — such as the ones used by Shagufta, Aly, and Sara — are shared and implemented worldwide.