Ismaili Centres Archive
Within the framework of the joint initiative to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Mozambique, the Government of the Portuguese Republic, through Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e Língua (bilateral agency of co-operation), and the Aga Khan Development Network Mozambique (AKDN-M), donated medical protection material: 100,000 surgical masks and 5,000 disposable individual protection gowns for medical personnel and other health professionals to the governmental entities in Maputo Province, including the City of Matola.
The Aga Khan Academy Maputo has become a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS), a membership community working with international schools to enhance their high-quality education.
With the increase in the number of cases of CV-19, the lack of capacity of the hospitals and the number of hospitalizations, the President of the Republic of Mozambique has addressed the Nation to announce new measures that will be in place over a period of twenty one (21) days starting from 15 January 2021 aimed at avoiding further propagation of the virus and protect the people from the serious health conjuncture under which the country is undergoing
The Jamat of Pemba, Mozambique donated food supplies to the recent internally displaced persons (IDPs) arriving via boat to Paquitequete beach.
O National Council da Austrália e Nova Zelândia encontra-se a recrutar, para as suas instalações em Sidney, Austrália, um/a um “Executive Officer”. Envie a sua candidatura até 22 de janeiro de 2021.
Não sabes o que fazer quando terminares os estudos? Acabaste o curso e estás com dúvidas sobre que direção tomar? A Spark Agency traz-te as Fireside Talks para te dar um boost!
Gostarias de estudar numa escola com o currículo do International Baccalaureate (IB)? As candidaturas para a CAISL Scholarship, para o ano letivo 2021/2022, encontram-se abertas até ao dia 31 de janeiro de 2021.
Would you like to study at a school with the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum? Applications for the CAISL Scholarship, for the academic year 2021/2022, are open until January 31st.
A nossa sugestão para esta semana é para que fique em casa e visite uma galeria virtual. A NOSSA galeria virtual – elevArte. Adicionámos mais artistas com trabalhos lindíssimos.
Não perca o webinar do Aga Khan Economic Board e da ADEE sobre as funcionalidades e vantagens do uso da app MBWAY, a realizar-se já no próximo dia 28 de janeiro 2021.
A Fundação Aga Khan Portugal e a Janssen lançaram a Plataforma Ser Maior, uma plataforma de apoio a cuidadores.
Sem saúde mental não há saúde física, o ser humano funciona como um todo. Conheça a opinião do psiquiatra Vítor Cotovio sobre o assunto.
Without mental health there is no physical health, the human being functions as a whole. Find out psychiatrist Vítor Cotovio's opinion on the subject.
Os seniores continuam a participar todas as semanas nas mais variadas atividades online. Saiba quais são e participe também, contactando os membros do Elderly Care.
Seniors continue taking part every week in the most varied online activities. Find out which and get involved too, by contacting the Elderly Care members.
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21. The 2020 theme for the International Day of Peace was “Shaping Peace Together,” and the United Nations encouraged citizens around the world to celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemic.
The Ismaili is pleased to publish an interview with Shiraz Allibhai, Deputy Director of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. As part of a series of conversations with key figures, Mr Allibhai discusses the positive impact of culture and its development potential, and humanity’s shared responsibility to preserve heritage.
Most of us spent 2020 in confusion and uncertainty. The pandemic forced us to make sudden and drastic changes to every aspect of our lives. Remote working; changes in social activities and eating habits; more housework for some, and the list goes on. These changes have led many to view the world with a different lens, and to reassess how we approach the communities we live in and the lives we lead. For some, this has led to more open-mindedness and an enthusiasm for trying new things or learning new skills. For others, it has presented unimaginable challenges and uncertainties. New problem scenarios to overcome on a daily basis, and a constant feeling of being in react mode with no opportunity to take a time out for a minute.