Content Tagged with Portugal

The need for productive meetings that deliver real results and not more questions has never been more crucial. Here’s what every business needs to know about making meetings efficient again.

The Ismaili CIVIC initiative has made a significant impact in the societies and areas in which it has been implemented, and has served to reflect through action, our ethic of service and our Jamat’s commitment as well as contribution to the betterment of the quality of life wherever we reside.

In 2000, His Highness the Aga Khan initiated the establishment of an integrated network of schools, called Aga Khan Academies, dedicated to expanding access to education of an international standard of excellence.  The Academies, which educate young men and women from pre-primary through higher secondary education, are planned for key locations in Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East.  The first Aga Khan Academy opened in Mombasa, Kenya in August 2003.  The second, in Hyderabad, India, began operating in 2011, and the third Aga Khan Academy opened in Maputo, Mozambique in 2013.

Mawlana Hazar Imam and Prince Rahim were received at the Hotel de Matignon for a meeting with French Prime Minister Jean Castex earlier today, to discuss areas of collaboration between the French government and the Aga Khan Development Network.

Foremost among the principles of the Shia Ismaili Tariqah of Islam is the recognition of the Imam of the Time. Imamat Day is an occasion to reaffirm this principle, express gratitude to Mawlana Hazar Imam, and to reaffirm our spiritual allegiance to the Imam and our commitment to the ethics of the faith.

Estás com dúvidas sobre a faculdade ou o percurso que queres seguir? Então vem esclarecê-las connosco no Freshmen Speed Meeting, no próximo dia 31 de julho!

O Aga Khan Trust for Culture encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Head of Internal Audit”, para as suas instalações em Genebra, Suíça. Envie a sua candidatura até 29 de julho.

Seniors' activities continue to actively take place every week via Zoom. Last week they participated in a yoga class, with teacher Paula Roque, and next week they will participate in a dance session, with teacher Ana Santos. Contact Eldery Care members and be a part of this group too!


As atividades dos seniores continuam a realizar-se em força, todas as semanas, via Zoom. Na semana passada, os seniores participaram numa aula de yoga, com a professora Paula Roque, e na próxima semana irão participar numa sessão de dança, com a professora Ana Santos. Contacte os membros do Eldery Care e faça também parte deste grupo!


We often hear the expression “All different, but all the same”, when it comes to our rights and duties as human beings. This principle of equality reflects that we all have the potential and the main tools to develop. It all depends on our mind.


É comum ouvirmos a expressão “Todos diferentes, todos iguais”, a propósito dos nossos direitos e deveres enquanto seres humanos. Este princípio de igualdade espelha que todos temos o potencial e as ferramentas necessárias para nos desenvolvermos. Tudo depende da nossa mente.


O Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) e a ADEE assinaram, na semana passada, no Centro Ismaili de Lisboa, dois protocolos de cooperação estratégica - com o Grupo Your DFK e com a Digital Connection - com vantagens para os membros da Comunidade Ismaili.

Pode ainda não se ter dado conta, mas o Coro tem sido uma face importante da nossa comunidade e, pelo trabalho que têm desenvolvido ao longo dos seus primeiros cinco anos de vida, promete ser um dos guardiões de uma parte fundamental da nossa herança cultural. Venha saber mais.


On 22nd June 2021, Portugal celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the law on religious freedom in Portugal. The Religious Freedom and Inter-religious dialogue National day is celebrated on the date when the law on religious freedom was published.


No passado dia 22 de junho 2021, celebrou-se o vigésimo aniversário da Lei da Liberdade Religiosa em Portugal. O dia Nacional da Liberdade Religiosa e do Diálogo Inter-religioso é celebrado na data de publicação da Lei da Liberdade Religiosa.


O Ismaili Youth Forum (IYF) apresenta os Top 3 documentários Netflix, que são uma janela aberta ao mundo da diversidade e o pluralismo.

This week we highlight the virtual celebration of Imamat Day, held on July 10th for the Global Jamat, which featured the Maiter Choir, composed by Jamati seniors.
