Content Tagged with Community

AKAHI, Gujarat Police, and Gujarat Forest Department join hands in tree planting drive

The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat India (AKAHI) team in Rajula facilitated the plantation of one hundred different types of saplings to ensure environmental diversity and security. The tree plantation program was organized in collaboration with the Gujarat Forest Department at the Khakhbai Old Police Line area in Rajula, Gujarat. Police Inspector Udaysinh Dharmendrasinh Jadeja and his team guided and supported their efforts.

High stakes examinations have long since been a subject of concern for parents, students and the education fraternity globally, owing to the huge pressure it carries. Add to it, in a country that accounts for almost a fifth of the world’s population, entrance tests are often deemed tests of elimination rather than qualification. And yet, these are not the only challenges faced by young achievers of our community, who have done us proud in more ways than one. 

On 14 August 2018, leaders of Jamati institutions, girl guides, boy scouts and members volunteers corps came together in an iconic plantation campaign to commemorate the 71st independence day of Pakistan. More than 1000 pariticpants planted 1600 indigenous plants at different locations in Pakistan. 

One of the initiatives during the Diamond Jubilee year of The National Task force for Jamati Programs and activities was the Global Village Program which encouraged the jamat to reflect on their own prejudices and showcase cultural diversity through various performances.

Aga Khan Health Board for Mehdipatnam celebrates Diamond Jubilee Health Week. The week that began with fitness activities and laughter therapy continued with mothers planning healthy diet for their toddlers. Topics like dealing with depression and ill-effects on consumption of tobacco were brought into light. Seniors of the Jamat were delighted with the sing along sessions while adults got to revisit their childhood memory lane. The week ended on a healthier note where the Jamat got to taste healthy delicacies.


'Trip to Lisboa' named PHOTOGRAPHY floor was recreated with photo panels, information desks, tour guides and photographers, on 8th June, 2018, Sunday at 12pm, in the Garden Housing Society, Hyderabad.


Seen in the photograph at the time of inauguration of water filter project are Mrs. Kanchan Choudhary - President, Municipal Council Yavatmal with other ward members, President of the Ismailia Urban Credit Co-op. Society Mr. Salim Lalani and directors of society, Mukhisaheb - Kamadiasaheb and other dignitaries.

Yavatmal District in Maharashtra was facing drought during the last year due to insufficient rainfall and there was heavy scarcity of drinking water in the area. Keeping this in mind the Board of Directors of The Ismailia Urban Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd. Yavatmal started a project to provide safe and pure RO filtered drinking water at minimal cost not only to Yavatmal Jamat but to all communities in the area.


Pursuing a career in music or the arts is not for the faint of heart. One’s success depends on talent and undying determination because the road to financial viability is usually long and filled with obstacles.

Hello from Lisbon!

Bhavna was first girl in her community who stepped out and started earning in the big city.

Yuva Junction is an Aga Khan Rural Support Programme initiative that gives youth in remote areas of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar the opportunity to explore their dreams through proper training and access to alternate sources of livelihood. This training has helped youth get into good organisations to channel their capabilities, provide economic support to their families, and break out of poverty in Gujarat, Yuva Junction has trained many youth and has provided meaningful employment to youth over the years.


Hello from Lisbon!


The Jamati Members and volunteers embracing the counter showcasing many types of bird feeders which would then be distribute among the houses nearby

With the intent of doing something for other living creatures in the habitat, a team of members got together and brainstormed of a way to help our aviary neighbours – nature’s flying machines - by providing Bird water feeders for our winged friends, to get a little respite, particularly in the hot, dry summer when water can be hard to find.


Facilitators group at the end of the programme.

Aashayein, a 20-day residential camp is conducted every year for the Ismaili youth between 16 - 22 years who live in the rural belts of Northern and Southern Saurashtra. Southern India Region has been hosting this camp for the last two years; this year the camp was held from 6th to 25th May. Aashayein includes  Personality Development and Self Enhancement Programs, English Training, Computer Training, City Skills, Entrepreneurial Development and Adventure Zone Activities for the youth

Western India

When opportunity knocks, you not only run like an athlete to unbolt the door but also pull yourself a chair and sit with a huge vessel to collect the drops of knowledge trickling overhead. A program designed by the National Communications Team called "Breakfast with the President" for age groups between 18-35 years was conducted in Ahmedabad recently which I was privileged to attend.


For generations the Ismaili community is known for their love for music.  The stage was set at the Hasanabad grounds in Mazgaon for an all-India band competition of Scouts and Guides bands from Mumbai, Secunderabad, Surat, Hyderabad and Pune. A total of 14 bands took centre stage. The competition was an opportunity for the Scouters and Guiders who have been playing for the band and also training other kids to play in the band to fulfil a time-honoured tradition. 


Volunteers in action

As much as India needs the rain, it doesn’t need the floods. Last year’s monsoon season saw several major cities paralysed by the onslaught of endless rains, bringing havoc and devastation to several communities.

In Gujarat alone, as 17 districts witnessed extensive flooding, the government launched an extensive relief campaign and in the small town of Babra, as the Indian Air Force air dropped relief packages, the Ismaili community’s Taj volunteers joined them side-by-side.


Mawlana Hazar Imam waves goodbye to Jamati leaders assembled at the Calgary airport at the conclusion of his Diamond Jubilee visit to Canada.

After granting Diamond Jubilee Mulaqats in Calgary, Mawlana Hazar Imam departed Canada, concluding his 12-day Diamond Jubilee visit to the country.

Activity at Yavatmal LRC

The older generation has made us who we are. They have moulded the lives of the generations that came after them – giving them better education, better opportunities, and the possibilities of better lives. For our part, the present generation can return this invaluable gift by helping to make the lives of their parents and seniors more comfortable and enjoyable in this - the ‘golden phase’ of their lives.  


Under Thane council jurisdiction, a small batch of twenty women were selected to learn lessons in English with two trainers, as a pilot project.

With the objective of English literacy for all women in Thane council jurisdiction, a small batch of twenty women were selected to impart lessons in English with two trainers, as a pilot project.