The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat India (AKAHI) team in Rajula facilitated the plantation of one hundred different types of saplings to ensure environmental diversity and security. The tree plantation program was organized in collaboration with the Gujarat Forest Department at the Khakhbai Old Police Line area in Rajula, Gujarat. Police Inspector Udaysinh Dharmendrasinh Jadeja and his team guided and supported their efforts.

Mr. Rajyguru and his team from the Gujarat Forest Department were present at the event. They worked along with AKAHI’s team members and members of the local police force to plant one hundred different species of trees. The different species of saplings were chosen to ensure their long-term survival, which is one of AKAHI’s key aims when planting trees. Inspector Jadeja and the police team have committed to ensuring that the saplings thrive.
Tree plantation and ensuring their survival is one of AKAHI’s strategic goals for promoting resilience to counter climate change through adaptation and mitigation initiatives. AKAHI plans to plant a minimum of ten thousand more trees in the next three months. The event at Rajula is a continuation of the tree plantation drive initiated during World Environment Day celebrations, and is a small but significant milestone in AKAHI’s goal of planting and sustaining fifteen thousand trees in 2018.
The event was reported in a local newspaper, Phulchhab Gujarati Daily, on July 30, 2018.

Rajula, Gujarat, India, July 30 2018