'Trip to Lisboa' named PHOTOGRAPHY floor was recreated with photo panels, information desks, tour guides and photographers, on 8th June, 2018, Sunday at 12pm, in the Garden Housing Society, Hyderabad.


‘Want to go to Lisbon?

Be ready the flight takes off on 8th June, 2018, Sunday at 12pm.

Remember, Do Not Carry any Luggage.’


These messages, pinned on the Display Boards in the Garden Housing Society, Hyderabad kept the members of the Jamat wondering as to what was this all about.? Speculations hit the ground; 

Was the Housing Society going to have live relay of the Lisboa Program for the entire week of events?;

Was the Housing Society going to have a lucky draw and sponsor tickets for the winners to Lisboa? 

All speculations finally came to an end on 8th July, 2018 when the beautifully architectured, extraordinarily planned and remarkably thought of 'Trip to Lisboa' hit the PHOTOGRAPHY floor. Lisboa was recreated with photo panels, information desks, tour guides and photographers. A Visa on Take Off and A Visa on Arrival accompanied each passenger. 

Of interest was the genesis of the Photo booth. One of the members from the creative team said, “We had two clear intentions; One, Fulfilling the desire of the Jamat to travel to Lisboa and Two, rejoicing the tourist within each member  of the Jamat. Not everyone would be able to go to Lisbon. Then why not take them there virtually?”

The set up toured the visitors through the Centro Vasco da Gama where the International Jubilee Arts Programme was to take place, the Ismaili Centre in Lisbon and the famous streets and historic buildings of Lisbon. Each location had a tour guide and the ‘tourists’ even had the opportunity to get themselves photographed at the historic places ‘in Lisbon’.

Jamats from various centres were seen traveling to the PhotoBooth to aesthetically experience the ‘Lisboa experience’ and to be with the Global Jamat on one platform. Such was the joy of the experience that some jamati members were left with tears in their eyes and gratitude in their speech. Twenty Minutes in this miniature world and the Jamat was left satiated emotionally, psychologically and experientially.