Content Tagged with Community

Youth playing a game of squash

The UAE Summer Games

Facilitator Team for Junior Jubilee

Students aged 8-12 gathered to celebrate the approach of the Diamond Jubilee, a kick-off event for this age group.





On 19 May 2017, the Architectural League of New York awarded Mawlana Hazar Imam the President’s Medal, its highest and most important honour. The occasion highlighted the values of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, established 40 years ago.

Conformément au souhait de Mawlana Hazar Imam concernant les ponts avec d'autres communautés religieuses, l’équipe Bait-ul Ilm  de Genève et Matthew Kahane du Conseil du Presbytère du Temple protestant à Ferney-Voltaire ont organisé, le 8 avril 2017, une rencontre pour les enfants des confessions chrétienne et ismaélienne.

Fondée en 1967, Aga Khan Foundation fête ses 50 ans cette année. Cette année de double anniversaire, avec le Diamond Jubilee, est l’occasio pour chacun de nous, de nous rappeler nos valeurs d’aide et de partage, comme le montrent si bien les nombreuses actions humanitaires et les aides en faveur des populations défavorisées, mises en œuvre par la Fondation Aga Khan. 

Après les Jubilee Games de Dubaï, plus de 100 athlètes de la France, de la Belgique, de Suisse et du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg se sont rendus à Nottingham pour défendre les couleurs de la juridiction française au Festival européen du sport (ESF).

A sea of red shirts and smiling faces greeted a hungry Canada Day crowd at the Alberta Legislature Grounds. Hundreds of Ismaili volunteers participated in a tradition that goes back to 1989 – serving Canada Day breakfast to the residents of Edmonton.  

Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa started bright and early with breakfast at the traditional Mayor’s Canada Day Celebration for Seniors. 

Rt Hon Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London attended at an Iftar meal at the Ismaili Centre, London to break the Ramadan fast after sunset. 

His Excellency Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of the Portuguese Republic, thanks the Ismaili community for their contributions to the nation.

Portuguese President visits Jamat at Ismaili Centre, expresses nation’s gratitude

On May 27, visitors lined up outside the Ismaili Centre prior to the 10 a.m. opening. The crowd was participating in Doors Open Toronto, a millennium project that has become one of the city’s anticipated cultural events. 

Mawlana Sultan Mahomed Shah acknowledges the greetings of all those gathered in commemoration of 70 years of his Imamat during Platinum Jubilee celebrations in Karachi, February 1954.
Sixty days ahead of the commencement of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Diamond Jubilee on 11 July 2017, TheIsmaili is pleased to launch the first in a series of Jubilee-related articles. Dr Mahmoud Eboo, Chairman of the Ismaili Leaders’ International Forum, talks about the Ismaili tradition of commemorating Jubilee anniversaries of our Imams, and the legacies that they leave behind.
Speakers at the International Women's Day Gala at ICB

The Ismaili International Women’s Day Gala took place on March 11 at the Ismaili Centre Burnaby and on March 4 at the Ismaili Centre Toronto with the aim of inspiring the audience to “be bold for change.”

Ziana Nathoo dressed in traditional clothing

When Yasmin Rajwani visited a government school in Hyderabad in July 2016, she saw a large mural that depicted the world with the Soviet Union...

Enthusiastic participants from Gilgit, Hunza and Ishkoman-Puniyal learnt ice skating and hockey through AKYSB Pakistan's expanded Sports Fellowship Programme.

A little over a year ago, the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan launched a sports training programme, which proved to be popular and successful ahead of the 2016 Jubilee Games. This winter, the Youth and Sports Board expanded the programme to include golf, ice skating and ice hockey.

Calgary Headquarters Jamatkhana

On January 14, Calgary’s Ismailis celebrated the 20th anniversary of their Headquarters Jamatkhana. Over 1200 Jamati members and leaders enjoyed entertainment, food and dancing throughout the evening.

Startup Alley at IPN LaunchPad 2016 is where investors and mentors had a chance to network one-on-one with startup founders seeking funding and advice.

Ismaili entrepreneurs and investors from nine countries gathered in California’s Silicon Valley last month to pitch ideas, share knowledge and to network with one another as part of IPN LaunchPad. The event was a chance for budding companies to access new sources of capital and connect with mentors and experts.

The spirit of Jamati unity prevailed as Ismailis from around the world gathered in Dubai for the 2016 Jubilee Games. JG

Competition was intense at the 2016 Jubilee Games, but it was the spirit of Jamati unity that won out in the end. Watch as Ismailis from around the world render the familiar lyrics “Dream, believe and reach the the sky!” in several of the many languages spoken in their home countries.

Gilgit-Baltistan’s Chief Minister, Hafiz Hafeez Ur Rehman, visited the Ismaili Centre on 21 January 2016 where he met with members of the Jamati leadership from the UK and Europe. The Chief Minister was accompanied by a high level delegation including the Chief Secretary and the Secretary of Education.

The European Jamat Committee (EJC) teams across Europe are working with murids who have recently arrived in Europe. Many of them have experienced difficult times prior to and/or during their journey to Europe. The ECJ seeks to build culturally inclusive communities, with the knowledge, resources and support to fulfil their needs.