Ismaili Centres Archive
It’s become an oft repeated cliché that we live in times of exponential change, driven by disruptive technologies, shifting global politics, changing human behaviour, and newly emerging social norms. And yet, as we enter the era of the fourth industrial revolution, we may be witnessing the greatest amount of change ever seen in a single human lifetime.
Most of us know the feeling of being moved by a work of art, whether it’s song, film, painting or poem. When we are touched, we become aware of a feeling that may not be familiar to us but which transports us to a different emotional space.
From working on programs promoting the rights of vulnerable children following natural disasters, to strengthening civil society, and coordinating rapid response for emergency relief, the women profiled here are on a mission to improve the quality of life of their community, especially those that are women. Through their work, they are involved in the complete cycle of empowerment for women – from access, to inclusion, and finally, a seat at the table.
When Mubina Gillani got her start within the securities industry on the Toronto Stock Exchange, everything was manual. “It took five days to do a trade. There was physical money exchanged by runners who were real men running up and down Bay Street”, recalled Mubina. “It was a stressful, manual time!”
The concept of public service was instilled in Dr. Ruhee Jaffer at a young age. She recalls, “My great grandfather and his family were sent to Africa from Bombay to serve. I feel honored to have the opportunity and support from my peers and colleagues to continue this tradition of service in places that hold such beautiful memories and significance for our family.”
Four women, three businesses, an inspiration to all. We look at these entrepreneurs who all started at a young age, from retail fashion accessories to merchant services, cosmetology, and hairdressing. From innovation to entering a field eons old, they found their niche and a way to be successful.
Young climate activist Dilangez Azizmamadova from Tajikistan, was among 100 Green Ticket winners from across the globe to participate in the United Nations Youth Climate Summit in New York today, 21 September 2019.
Dr. Santa J. Ono gave a lecture on Faith in the Academy at the Ismaili Centre Toronto on August 6. The President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of British Columbia spoke to the audience about how his faith has been intertwined with his scientific research over the years.
The faith of Islam teaches followers to care for Allah’s creation, encouraging us to look after the natural resources which have been gifted to us, and not to waste or disrupt the delicate balance of nature. Since we only inhabit the earth for a relatively short time, each of us has a responsibility to leave behind a better social and physical environment for the next generation.
"O Mar Vivo", um extraordinário ensaio fotográfico da autoria do Príncipe Hussain que tem como objetivo sensibilizar-nos para a beleza sublime, a complexidade e a fragilidade da vida nos oceanos.
À medida que a idade avança tendemos a perder a memória, mas existem alguns truques apontados pela psicóloga clínica do Hospital Lusíadas Porto, Júlia Machado, que nos ajudam a preservá-la.
Para marcar o início das aulas de Dar-at-Ta'lim deste novo ano letivo, o ITREB vai realizar, no próximo sábado, dia 5 de outubro pelas 09h30, o Open Day.
As candidaturas para o programa STEP dinamizado pelo Instituto de Estudos Ismailis encontram-se abertas até ao próximo dia 21 de outubro.
No próximo dia 21 de setembro, das 10h às 13h, terá lugar um workshop para formadores de Língua Portuguesa promovido pela Fundação Aga Khan.
No passado dia 13 de setembro, em Kazan, realizou-se a 14ª cerimónia do Prémio Aga Khan para a Arquitetura. A cerimónia foi presidida por Mawlana Hazar Imam que no seu discurso enfatizou as diversas formas pelas quais a arquitetura pode inspirar e enriquecer o diálogo, possibilitando a convergência de diferentes pontos de vista.
O Times Higher Education divulgou este mês o ranking de 2020 das melhores universidades do mundo, sendo o TOP 10 liderado pelos Estados Unidos e Inglaterra. Neste ranking constam também 13 universidades Portuguesas, destancando-se a Universidade Católica Portuguesa (351-400), a Universidade do Porto (401-500) e a Universidade de Lisboa (501-600).
On Saturday 14 September, Mawlana Hazar Imam participated in an Aga Khan Award for Architecture Winners’ Seminar at the Main International Centre, Universidade Village, Kazan. Hazar Imam was joined by members of his family, and leaders of the Jamat and AKDN.
It’s no secret that a gender leadership gap exists in many fields, including technology and business. According to Forbes magazine, in 2018, women represented 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs and held 24% of senior roles across the world. Despite setbacks, women leaders – many of whom come from the Jamat – are continuing to emerge in their respective fields, challenging systemic biases while also serving as role models for future generations.
It’s no secret that service in pursuit of a dream is an integral characteristic of women entering politics. Sophia Lalani, Afshi Charania, and Anissa Karim are three women following distinct paths, who make it their mission to represent their communities through civic engagement.
Ismaili women are key players in advancing and influencing civil society in diverse ways across the United States, and around the globe. The individuals described here are committed to helping people in need, working with a variety of organizations.