Ismaili Centres Archive
In 2005 the Jamat in Tanzania embarked on an Early Childhood Development (ECD) initiative at Darkhana Jamatkhana in Dar es Salaam. Over time, as interest in community based early learning gained momentum, the Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) has gradually expanded. Today, ECDC activities take place in Zanzibar, Iringa, Mwanza, Arusha, Mbeya, Morogoro, Dodoma, and Zambia.
On the 25th of October, 2019, the Youth and Sports Committee organized a sports fest Junoon- Health with happiness.
“Educating effective future leaders is a high responsibility. To do it well, we must look beyond the world which is passing from sight and turn our eyes to the uncharted world of the future. We must rise above the antiquated approaches of earlier days and instead infuse our students with what I would call three “A’s” of modern learning - the spirit of anticipation, the spirit of adaptation and the spirit of adventure. This will happen best in learning environments which are both serious and focused on the one hand, but which are also joyous and inspiring places, operating on the cutting edge of pedagogy and knowledge.” -Mawlana Hazar Imam, Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, August 14, 2007.
No passado dia 26 de setembro, o Príncipe Hussain visitou o Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência para inaugurar o seu Ensaio Fotográfico "O Mar Vivo". O Príncipe Hussain fez-se acompanhar pela sua esposa, a Princesa Fareen, pelo Príncipe Amyn, pelo Príncipe Rahim e pela Princesa Salwa.
Estás a terminar o ensino básico e tens dúvidas quanto à área que vais escolher ou estás a frequentar o ensino superior e gostarias de ter a oportunidade de estar em contacto com profissionais de diversas áreas? Então este evento é para ti!
A inauguração da Smartstore teve lugar no dia 18 de outubro, no Salão Nobre do Centro Ismaili, Lisboa, e encontra-se aberta até ao dia 25 de outubro, das 17h15 às 19h15 e das 20h30 às 21h30.
O festival que abre os portões dos jardins de Lisboa está de volta para uma inédita Edição de Outono.
Já se encontra disponível o livro “Beyond the Mosque: Diverse Spaces of Muslim Worship” da autoria de Rizwan Mawani. Consulte ou adquira este, e outros livros, no dia 25 de Outubro, sexta-feira, na banca no átrio do Jamatkhana de Lisboa.
O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é a principal causa de morte e incapacidade em Portugal. Estima-se que três portugueses sofram um AVC por hora, dos quais um acaba por morrer e outro por ficar com sequelas graves.
O Elderly Care, em sinergia com o Aga Khan Health Board, convida todos os seniores a participarem na sessão sobre o "Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC)", a realizar-se no dia 31 de outubro, quinta-feira, às 16h00, no Salão Multiusos do Centro Ismaili, Lisboa.
No dia 24 de outubro foram apresentados, no Centro Padre Alves Correia (CEPAC), o roteiro «Olá em Português» e o Guia de Formador.
No dia 26 de outubro, sábado, terá início um programa de ECD promovido pelo ITREB, em parceria com a Fundação Aga Khan. O programa terá como base o "Grupo Aprender, Brincar, Crescer (ABC)" e destina-se a crianças que perfaçam os 3 anos até dezembro de 2019.
In Lisbon last month, Prince Hussain inaugurated his photo exhibition entitled The Living Sea at Portugal’s National Museum of Natural History and Science. Prince Hussain was joined by Ms Elizabeth Hoag (now Princess Fareen), Prince Amyn, Prince Rahim, and Princess Salwa.
On 10 October, Prince Rahim visited the Ismaili Centre, London to inaugurate the exhibition: Dreams and Dystopias, East Africa at the Crossroads, featuring photographic work by Guillaume Bonn.
Three female entrepreneurs with drastically distinct styles have taken the fashion world by storm as they followed a common calling to empower other women. KYNAH, meaning “woman leader,” is a Los Angeles online retailer founded by Aisha Rawji to offer a collection of traditional Indian wear with a twist. The Kayes is a Dallas-based online retailer, founded by sisters Neelofar and Alisha Keshavjee, and offers a relaxed, suburb-city hybridized western style for a fast-paced life.
While the “Golden Years” are often synonymous with rest and relaxation, Parveen Punjani wants her fellow seniors to remember, “responsibilities don’t end with retirement, and sometimes they multiply with age.”
Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau faced opposing political candidates in an all candidates’ forum hosted by the Ismaili Centre Toronto on October 16.
Seva, the ethic of service, is an inextricable value of our faith. It is our obligatory duty to serve humanity and improve the quality of life where we can. Mawlana Hazar Imam continuously emphasizes the significance of using our skills and intellect to contribute time and knowledge for the betterment of societies globally. Many in the Jamat have spent their lifetimes serving in one capacity or another and here we showcase just three individuals who have offered exceptional service, often unrecognized.
By age 23, Tahira Dosani was working as a management consultant but considered making a dramatic change in her career. “I picked up and moved across the world, by myself, to Afghanistan,” she says. She would spend the next two years in Afghanistan as Head of Corporate Strategy with Roshan, the first mobile telecommunications operator in the country, at a time when 97% of Afghans didn’t have a bank account.
A gripe é uma doença contagiosa que, na maioria das vezes, cura-se espontaneamente. No entanto, podem ocorrer complicações, particularmente em pessoas com doenças crónicas ou com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos.