Ismaili Centres Archive
As atividades do Golden Age continuam na próxima quinta-feira, dia 24 de outubro, pelas 16h00, no Salão Multiusos do Centro Ismaili, Lisboa.
No passado dia 9 de outubro, realizou-se o evento "Seniores em Movimento", alusivo ao Dia do Idoso, que teve lugar no Jardim do Bonfim, em Setúbal.
Thousands of volunteers assembled at various locations across Canada to take part in Ismaili CIVIC over two weekends at the end of September.
A concert titled, The Art of the Afghan Rubab, took place in partnership with the Asia Society Texas Center, the Aga Khan Music Initiative and the Ismaili Council for the United States. The concert was held on October 11, and featured the Aga Khan Master Musicians, who create music inspired by their own deep roots in the cultures of the Middle East and Mediterranean Basin, South Asia, Central Asia, and China.
On 16 October, Dr Amina Jindani was bestowed with a Professorship by St. George’s, University of London, in honour of her years of service and momentous contribution to the field of medicine. We sat down with Dr Jindani to discuss her childhood decision to become a doctor, her work which has spanned over 40 years in the field of medicine, and her recent award of Professorship.
Mediation Week is recognised in countries around the world every October to highlight the value of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as a constructive and cost-effective alternative to litigation. This year, the Ismaili International Conciliation and Arbitration Board (ICAB) have prepared a series of six videos that provide information about mediation and the CAB system, as well as other areas of mediation and conflict management.
Environmental stewardship is the social responsibility of every individual and in this article we reflect on our duty to leave the planet in a better condition than we found it.
“ I have long felt the enhancement of the nursing profession to be absolutely critical to the improvement of healthcare in the developing world, and the Islamic world. The way forward was to professionalize, to institutionalize, and to dignify this great profession.” -Mawlana Hazar Imam, Archon Award Ceremony of Sigma Theta Tau International, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 7, 2001
A shared characteristic among many women is the resilience to rise in the ranks and overcome barriers. These trailblazing women overcome hurdles and ensure that those who follow, have a path forward that paves the way to success. Whether these challenges are rising through the ranks professionally or managing personal aspects like their health, being empowered leads to exemplary accomplishments.
Dr. Aliya Sheriff is as an agent of social change. Since childhood, she understood that an education was earned to serve humankind. Her older brother, who passed when she was 17-years-old always teased her for her unrelenting vision, and her parents encouraged her to pursue her passion to help the most vulnerable.
Her blue dupatta (shawl) with the white border glistens as she directs the flow of traffic in Atlanta’s busy Ismaili Center and Jamatkhana, while seated on her chair. "Maaji" celebrated her 105th birthday on January 1st of this year, and she is the epitome of service, dedication and loyalty to the Imam and the Jamat.
Almost five years ago, a group of 40 women in the intelligence field gathered in a home in Washington, DC. They were all connected in various professional development organizations, but something was missing.
On 10 October 2019, Princess Zahra, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Sara Boyden, was honoured with the Asia Society Texas Center’s Huffington Award in Houston, USA. Princess Zahra was honoured for her outstanding contributions that have furthered international understanding, uplifted lives, and advanced health and education through her work with the Aga Khan Development Network.
No passado domingo, dia 6 de outubro, teve lugar no Centro Ismaili um evento organizado por várias instituições Indo-Portuguesas em colaboração com a comunidade Ismaili, que marcou o culminar das celebrações do 150º aniversário de Mahatma Gandhi.
Princess Zahra and her daughter, Miss Sara Boyden, arrived in Houston, Texas, earlier today at the invitation of the Asia Society Texas Center. Princess Zahra is being honoured with the Huffington Award at the annual Award Dinner being held later tonight.
Highlighting excellence in all aspects of education, State of Texas leaders met with representatives from the Aga Khan Academies, President of Council for Central USA, and Rizwan Sheikh, member of the Steering Committee for the Texas Agreement of Cooperation at Plano Jamatkhana on August 21, 2019.
Mental health is similar to physical health — everybody has it and should take care of it. When we reflect about our health in general, it is important to include the health of our minds as well as the health of our bodies in our thinking, plans, and conversations. On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, 10 October, we reflect on the importance of sound mind and a dignified quality of life.
No dia 26 de outubro terá início um programa de ECD promovido pelo ITREB, em parceria com a Fundação Aga Khan. O programa terá como base o "Grupo Aprender, Brincar, Crescer (ABC)" e destina-se a crianças que perfaçam os 3 anos até dezembro de 2019.
A fibromialgia é uma doença crónica invisível, sobre a qual ainda há muito por saber. Caracteriza-se por dores ao longo de todo o corpo, mesmo sem existir uma lesão física nos músculos ou articulações.
Até dia 24 de outubro, os moradores, grupos e instituições do Vale de Chelas e das Olaias poderão apresentar os seus projetos de mudança, com soluções que correspondam aos desafios dos seus bairros e que valorizem as capacidades e recursos da comunidade.