Ismaili Centres Archive
As atividades do Golden Age continuam na próxima quinta-feira, dia 17 de outubro, pelas 16h00, no Salão Multiusos do Centro Ismaili, Lisboa.
O banco Millennium BCP encontra-se a organizar o “Fórum Millennium Portugal Moçambique”, dirigido a todos os empresários com interesse em investir em Moçambique.
“We have until 2030 to reduce our emissions by 45%, and 2050 to have net-zero carbon emissions”.
Good mental health is essential to optimal functioning in our daily personal and work lives. However, more than one in five women in the United States experienced a mental illness in the last year. According to the World Health Organization, women predominate in mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints. When women suffer, their families inevitably also suffer. For example, maternal depression is considered a significant risk factor for the socio-emotional and cognitive development of children.
Join us from the Ismail Centre, Lisbon, on 11 October 2019 for an International Lecture to be delivered by Professor Athar Sultan-Khan, Dean and Professor of International Relations at the Geneva School of Diplomacy. The theme of the lecture will focus on Multilateral Diplomacy in a Complex World. The event is due to begin at 5:00 PM UTC+1 and will be webcast at
“An education must equip students with the tools that enable them to adapt and thrive in a world characterised by change.” - Mawlana Hazar Imam
The Ignite Summit opened its doors to a new set of potential entrepreneurs this year. Thanks to efforts to increase accessibility, three deaf participants travelled to Calgary to take part in the conference in May 2019.
Education today is changing rapidly, particularly given the permeating presence of technology. Sehreen Noor Ali and Sabina Bharwani demonstrate the ideal of using their knowledge for the good of others in the field of education and education technology (edtech), or the use of various technology (e.g. mobile applications) to facilitate learning.
“Struggle is the meaning of life. Defeat or victory are in the hands of God, but struggle itself is man’s duty and should be his joy.” -Mawlana Sultan Mahomed Shah
Adversity takes many different shapes; it can be crushing and life-altering, yet calls upon one’s inner strengths, perseverance, and will. No matter its form or impact, from the wounds of adversity, comes wisdom.
“My work has taught me the power of storytelling. When people have no food, no water when they are living in war, poverty and violence when they have no hope, they have a story to tell and it is their most precious currency. I believe powerful storytelling comes from powerful emotional connections to compelling stories that uncover injustice, amplify the voiceless, show in the capacity of humanity, and hold the powerful accountable."
We often hear that the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow; that they will shape the future; and that the destiny of humankind lies in their hands. On the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, 5 October 2019, we explore the positive impact made by teachers and educators within the Jamat and beyond.
Women have been artists since prehistoric times but have often been discouraged, marginalized and omitted from the history of art. This changed in the 20th century and today, women are amongst the most prolific artists, musicians, and writers including in the Muslim world. Some prominent contemporary examples are artists such as Shahzia Sikander, Nilima Sheikh, and Salima Arastu.
While in MIT’s Architecture program, Khalil Pirani would often sit in classes and hear professors ask: “What is Islamic architecture? Could this dome or that motif be in the spirit of Islam?” Khalil recalls, “I also had the same question.”
Os artigos sobre os jardins do Centro Ismaili têm feito referência sobretudo a espécies vegetais nele presentes, mas um projeto de arquitetura paisagista envolve muitas outras questões, que estão bem patentes nos jardins do Centro.
A osteoporose é uma das doenças mais faladas da atualidade, nomeadamente em pessoas com uma idade mais avançada. Mas afinal o que é a osteoporose?
- Baitul Khayal, dia 5 de Outubro, sábado
- Mawlano Rojo, dia 6 de Outubro, domingo
- Panch Baar Saal, dia 7 de Outubro, segunda-feira
"TheNextWomen Female Founders Force Program", um programa de apoio ao empreendedorismo feminino, encontra-se a aceitar inscrições até ao próximo dia 15 de outubro e conta com o apoio da AICEP.
A QS Quacquarelli Symonds, empresa responsável pela publicação de alguns dos principais rankings universitários do mundo, regressa a Lisboa, no próximo dia 10 de outubro, no Altis Grand Hotel, com a QS World Grad School Tour, uma feira gratuita de pós-graduações, mestrados e doutoramentos internacionais.