Ismaili Centres Archive
Mawlana Hazar Imam has frequently commented on the value of sharing our time and knowledge with Jamats around the world and with the communities in which they live. Canadian Ismaili health professionals have taken that message to heart, having a long history of partnering with the agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) to improve the quality of life of people around the world.
Residents of Chicago and New York describe their harrowing experiences of being infected with COVID-19. There are lessons for all of us in their stories.
When the pandemic started, Dr Tasneem Yamani-Nurani’s home-based practice saw an increase in demand, which she worked hard to meet because home-based care can lead to a reduction in unnecessary hospital visits, improved monitoring and follow up of medical conditions, and prompt actions that prevent admissions to hospital in critical situations as much as possible.
Since its launch in 2016, over 200 students have participated in the Reach for the Stars Mentorship Programme in India. Through mentorship, immersion visits, and conversations with industry stalwarts, the technology track of the programme has steered students from diverse backgrounds towards niche careers, high-impact professional pathways, and stellar academic programmes.
The Department for Education has recently shared guidance with schools around the full reopening of schools in September 2020.
O Programa Bridges tem como objetivo proporcionar às crianças do Jamat o contato com a língua inglesa, a partir da interação com outros jovens da mesma idade.
Many in the Jamat around the country have been moved by the lack of adequate personal protective equipment available to healthcare workers and other frontline responders during this COVID-19 crisis. These dedicated professionals are risking their own lives to save others. Others have been concerned about the plight of those unable to work, and who are finding it difficult to provide food for their families at this time.
Mientras hemos estado confinados, en los últimos meses, han pasado muchas cosas en el mundo, cosas que son merecedoras de nuestra reflexión. Esto nos plantea la siguiente cuestión, “Qué nos depara el futuro?”
While we have all been in lock down over the past several months, much has been happening in the world that merits reflection.
This begs the question, “What does the future hold for us?”
Techniques that can help, through repetition, to switch a negative state of mind into a positive one. They can help body and mind to regenerate. We can all benefit by incorporating them into our daily routines.
Apenas contemplo el tiempo, veo que han transcurrido cincuenta años desde que vine a España para continuar mis estudios. [English]
Un tema que en este momento está captando titulares en todo el mundo. Este artículo destaca un extracto muy relevante y que invita a la reflexión del discurso de Mawlana Hazar Imam titulado "La ética cosmopolita en un mundo fragmentado", pronunciado en Harvard en noviembre de 2015.
The Ismaili Imamat is a supra-national entity representing the succession of Imams since the time of the Prophet. Today, the Ismailis are the only Shia community, who throughout their history have been led by a living hereditary Imam, in direct descent from the Prophet.
Técnicas, que a través de la repetición, pueden ayudar a cambiar un estado de ánimo negativo por uno positivo. Ayudan a que el cuerpo y la mente se regeneren. Todos nos podemos beneficiar al incorporarlas a nuestra vida diaria.
The Ismaili is pleased to present the official Imamat Day song for 2020. Mawla Mera Ishq Tu is an exclusive musical collaboration featuring 63 artists from around the world, to commemorate 63 years of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Imamat. Translated as ‘Mawla You are My Love,’ the song aims to share love, light, and happiness with the global Jamat on this auspicious occasion. The artists bring different musical flavours from their respective homes, adding to a collective energy of unity, devotion, and celebration.
El principio más importante del Tariqah Shia Ismaili es el reconocimiento del Imam del Tiempo. El Día de Imamat es una ocasión para reafirmar este principio, expresar nuestra gratitud a Mawlana Hazar Imam y reafirmar nuestra lealtad espiritual al Imam y nuestro compromiso con la ética de la fe.
On the occasion of Imamat Day, Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili.
On the occasion of Imamat Day, Mawlana Hazar Imam has graciously sent a Talika Mubarak to the global Jamat, which is being shared via The Ismaili.