Ismaili Centres Archive
Working at a long-term care facility for seniors, Azmina Khimji has been on the front lines with the most at-risk part of the population during the Covid-19 crisis.
We were driving through the mountains of Istan, in September of 2000...
To celebrate Imamat Day, a program was organized on Zoom for Senior members of the Jamat on July 09th by the Social Welfare and Women’s Activity Committee.
The Ismaili is pleased to announce the release of our official mobile app, putting the latest news related to the Jamat and its institutions in your pocket!
The Ismaili TV is pleased to present an Imamat Day programme featuring a variety of content that is sure to entertain and inspire the Jamat over the course of three days.
Learn front-end web development through a 12-week course led by the Aga Khan Economic Planning Board. The course begins on 2nd August 2020. Register now
The Council for the Central US provides much-needed items to the community during this health crisis.
It was Samira Kabani, a nurse manager in Karachi, who received one of the first Covid-19 patients at the Aga Khan University Hospital.
Suite à la situation inédite de la pandémie du Covid-19 et l’appel lancé par le Son Excellence le Président de la République de Madagascar, Monsieur Andry Nirina Rajoelina, à la solidarité nationale, les représentants des cinq communautés indiennes (Bohra, Hindou, Ithna Asheri, Ismaili, Sunni) de Madagascar ont décidé d’apporter une aide en se réunissant et en créant la CI.ZA.MA : Congrégation Indienne des Zanatany de Madagascar.
Following the unprecedented situation of the Covid-19 pandemic and the appeal launched by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Madagascar, Mr. Andry Nirina Rajoelina, for national solidarity, the representatives of the five Indian communities (Bohra, Hindu, Ithna Asheri, Ismaili, Sunni) of Madagascar decided to help by meeting and creating the CI.ZA.MA: Congrégation Indienne des Zanatany de Madagascar.
As many Americans continue to face hardships resulting from the pandemic, communities and Ismaili volunteers across six cities came together and collected donations of 55,000 food items and 14,000 toiletry items over three weekends, for local non-profit organizations.
The Ismaili CIVIC team worked with Transport For London (TFL) by helping to distribute face masks for public transport users all around London.
Growing up in Hafizabad, Pakistan, Ameen Asif always dreamed of working as a healthcare provider to ease the struggle of his people and to save lives. In 2014, Ameen took a step toward this dream by completing his degree in nursing from the Aga Khan University in Karachi.
The upcoming Global STEM Festival will focus on providing children and young adults of the Jamat an opportunity to explore concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, to acquire the skills needed to be successful in their lives and careers.
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The spirit of giving, sharing and caring is an old tradition kept alive through volunteerism in Ismaili practice across the world and varies in form. Time and Knowledge Nazrana is an opportunity to share knowledge and skills acquired through years of experience.