Techniques that can help, through repetition, to switch a negative state of mind into a positive one. They can help body and mind to regenerate. We can all benefit by incorporating them into our daily routines.

Human beings have an incredible self protecting mechanism to help cope with worry or stress. The body has the capacity to balance trauma and stress incredibly well. Whenever we have bad news, a stressful event or even an accident, our mind and body can quickly heal from it.

However, the mind often can override the body with overwhelming negative thoughts. Worrying about how we are going to pay the bills, how to survive this pandemic or about our loved ones etc, makes us forget that our mental state directly affects how our body functions.

Some tips may change our approach to mental health:

Every thought has a direct impact in our bodies. What does this mean? if we have a healthy body, but due to pressure we only have worrying thoughts, those thoughts end up releasing chemicals that stress our body.

Persistent thoughts are constantly releasing chemicals into our body. Symptoms from over stress can initially manifest as gentle symptoms like muscle aches and pains, headaches, lack of sleep, anxiety, heartburn, food intolerances, skin rash, fluctuation of blood pressure and sugar levels. When we carry on worrying, the body gets used to it and it is only a matter of time before we may present chronic conditions such as depression, diabetes, insomnia, skin conditions, digestive conditions or even heart problems.

Our mind has the capacity to control our physiology. This means that when we feel happy and healthy, our body will secrete daily a combination of neurochemicals and hormones that will keep body and mind happy and healthy. As simple as that! However, our body knows when we are not being truthful to ourselves, when deep inside we store guilt, shame or a lack of self-esteem. These negative emotions compromise our health. And how do we get rid off these stored negative emotions and daily bad thoughts? By cultivating daily positive conscious thoughts and actions.

Tools to help achieve mental balance:

  • Smiling releases happy hormones in the body as the body does not care if it is a fake smile.
  • Breathing. To inhale during 4 seconds and to exhale for 6 seconds helps to calm the nervous system.
  • Singing activates the vagus nerve, which sends signals to the body to relax and stay calm.
  • Reading relaxes your mind and body.
  • Exercise, including walking, helps release stress.
  • Meditation. There are many types of meditation. Some enjoy guided meditations, whilst others prefer to focus on the breath or repeating a word.
  • Praying can truly help to stay grounded, resourced, happy and calm.
  • Healthy eating nourishes the body as well as the emotions.
  • Talking and sharing experiences with loved ones can reduce the problem.
  • Watching a movie can help switching the state of mind and help bringing back happy feelings.

These are all wonderful techniques; through repetition they can help to switch a negative state of mind into a positive. They will be helping body and mind to regenerate. We all can benefit in incorporating them into our daily routines.