Ismaili Centres Archive
Sana Amir Ali Vadsarya moved from the UAE to the UK for an opportunity to advance her nursing career just before the pandemic started. All of the training and programmes that had been planned for her before starting her new job were cancelled, and Sana began working on the frontline immediately, in a new city that was suddenly under lockdown.
The Jamat in several cities collaborates with local organizations to provide food for those in need.
Join The Aga Khan Economic Planning Board for a pre-recorded 2-part webinar led by experts to explore various business restructuring options. This will be particularly useful for businesses in the hospitality, retail and leisure sectors.
Initiatives in the US that assist new arrivals, others with business assistance, job placements, and marketing their products.
How a wedding helped transform the education and lives of children, and the destiny of a village.
In April, Ismaili seniors, adults, and youth took on the task of sewing 10,000 cloth masks.
The Portuguese Government has recently partnered with the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) to donate 100,000 reusable masks to those in need in the Province of Maputo, including the city of Matola, in an effort to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
Shamim Semmy has provided care for numerous coronavirus patients and though it is difficult to enforce strict isolation protocols, she has persevered and taken it in stride.
Ismaili youth and young professionals have come together for the IDE8 open innovation challenge to find solutions to the world's most significant challenges. Through this process, they will learn skills that will help them prepare for a dynamic future, as well as assist those around them in need of support.
AKEPB Educates is a 5-part course on Managing your Money. Learn how to budget and take care of your personal finances.
This page will be updated soon with information on redundancy law. Stay tuned!
Advanced care planning (ACP) is a process which will enable you to communicate your wishes about your future medical care with those closest to you and your medical team. Some of you may be in good health and wonder why you need to do this, but as the last few months have shown us, life can be very uncertain. If you have the privilege to be able to think about, and communicate your preferences now, then now is the perfect time.
O programa Bridges tem como objetivo proporcionar às crianças do Jamat o contacto com a língua inglesa, a partir da interação com outros jovens da mesma idade.
El Programa Bridges tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los niños del Jamat el contacto con el idioma inglés, partiendo de la interacción con otros jóvenes de la misma edad.
A Ticketline - uma das maiores empresas de venda de bilhetes para espetáculos - criou uma nova plataforma, a Ticketline Live Stage, que lhe permite assistir a um espetáculo ao vivo a partir de sua casa.