Ismaili Centres Archive
In February of this year, before the global pandemic emerged, an audience of 289 gathered at Westwinds Jamatkhana in Calgary, Alberta to learn about mental health and suicide prevention in youth through a dramatic performance entitled Screaming in Silence. National and local institutional leadership and family units consisting of multiple generations were in attendance.
During the pandemic, mental health has come to the forefront of many discussions, not only because of the effects of the virus on the body, but because of additional factors such as changes in daily life, job stress, stay at home orders, and reductions in social interactions within and outside the Jamat. A silver lining of the virus is the growing awareness and more frequent conversations around the topic of mental health.
The Covid-19 outbreak has not only drastically affected healthcare systems, major economies, social interactions, education, and almost every aspect of normal human life, but has also brought about unexpected, unprecedented, and rather sudden changes in our lives, which most of us were probably not ready for. On World Mental Health Day, 10 October, we find out how to deal with these circumstances and strive towards healthy minds and healthy lives.
The Covid-19 crisis has only added to our pre-existing stresses and worries. With new lifestyle changes, unusual working environments, and restrictions on social interactions, the pandemic has caught us off guard and unprepared. Although many of us are adjusting to a new normal, it is quite natural to feel overwhelmed and experience burnout. What can we do to help? Here are some tips to try out.
LinkedIn Best Practice Guide - Part 1: Build Your Profile
(Last updated 10/10/20)
LinkedIn Best Practice Guide - Part 2: Build Your Network
(Last updated 10/10/2020)
LinkedIn Best Practice Guide - Part 3: Build Your Brand
(Last updated 10/10/20)
Se o desenho faz parte integrante da sua vida, este artigo não é para si. Se não... lembra-se da última vez que tirou 10 ou 20 minutos e desenhou sem pensar em mais nada? Temos um desafio para si!
O Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) e a ADEE gostariam de partilhar um link com uma funcionalidade Deco Proteste, para simulação do crédito à habitação, visando melhorar a prestação mensal na troca do crédito habitação para outra instituição bancária, sem custos acrescidos. Consulte aqui as vantagens.
Conheça as atividades online que o Elderly Care tem vindo a realizar para os seniores.
Check out the online activities that Elderly Care has been preparing for seniors every week.
O Dia Internacional do Idoso comemora-se, anualmente, a 1 de outubro. Este dia foi instituído em 1991, pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), com o objetivo de sensibilizar a sociedade para as questões do envelhecimento e a necessidade de proteger e cuidar da população mais idosa.
The International Elderly Day is celebrated, annually, on October 1st. This day was instituted in 1991, by the United Nations (UN), in order to sensitize society to the issues of aging and the need to protect and care for the elderly population.
A divisão da Juventude da Câmara Municipal de Almada encontra-se a oferecer formações e workshops destinados aos jovens.
Já alguma vez refletiu sobre a autoaceitação? Karima Juma, membro do Aga Khan Education Board for Portugal, partilha connosco a sua visão.
Have you ever thought about self-acceptance? Karima Juma, member of the Aga Khan Education Board for Portugal, shares her vision with us.
The National Council and Ismaili Tariqah and Religious Education Board for the United Kingdom Jurisdiction have published the following information in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. These are community updates, resources to cope with changes in lifestyle and health updates. Some of these are summaries of recommendations by the United Kingdom Jurisdiction Governments, but many of these are available to the Jamat to provide advice, updates and support during this time.