Ismaili Centres Archive
With the amount of distractions we have around us nowadays, it is increasingly challenging to be focused while developing our tasks, especially when it comes to studying. Therefore, today we share with you the Pomodoro Technique - a hint that can help you manage your time while you prepare for tests and exams.
Hoje em dia, o sucesso é cada vez mais definido não só pela educação que adquirimos na escola ou pelas qualificações que obtemos, mas também pelas competências que desenvolvemos ao contribuir significativamente para a sociedade. Durante o verão, os estudantes Ismailis tiveram a oportunidade de se envolverem em atividades de Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática (STEM) e desenvolver novos conhecimentos que serão úteis para o seu futuro.
O período que atravessamos trouxe-nos novas condicionantes, limitou-nos os movimentos e roubou-nos algumas liberdades. A liberdade de viver a cultura de forma espontânea foi uma delas. Mas trouxe consigo, também, novas oportunidades e formas de ver o mundo.
O Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) convida-o a assistir ao INOVA Day, uma conferência sobre tendências e inovação que se realizou no Brasil, no passado 23 de outubro.
O AKEPB e a ADEE convidam-no a participar na ação de formação organizada pelo IAPMEI, em parceria com o Turismo de Portugal, integrada no Plano Nacional de Formação Financeira e dirigida a empresários e gestores de micro e pequenas empresas.
Na última semana, o destque das atividades dos seniores recaiu sobre o regresso do projeto KEY, com uma sessão sobre educação religiosa com o tema "Ethics and Ethical Dilemma".
Last week, the highlight of the senior activities was the return of the KEY project, with a session on religious education with the theme "Ethics and Ethical Dilemma.
A música pode trazer benefícios à saúde física, mental, emocional e espiritual.
Music can bring physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health benefits.
A prática de atividade física é uma das várias formas de combater a pandemia da COVID-19, fortalecendo a nossa imunidade, prevenindo o surgimento de doenças e contribuindo para a manutenção do nosso bem-estar.
Se tens entre 14 e 17 anos, não percas a oportunidade de te inscreveres no programa virtual CONNECT, organizado pelo Global Encounters.
No dia 23 de outubro, realizou-se uma sessão de apresentação da Plataforma de Partilha do Conhecimento «SER MAIOR», que se encontra em desenvolvimento ao abrigo do Programa dos Seniores da Fundação Aga Khan Portugal.
Nowadays, success is increasingly defined not only by the education we acquire in school or the qualifications we obtain, but also by the skills we develop to make meaningful contributions to society. Over the summer, Ismaili students in Portugal had the opportunity to engage in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activities and develop new knowledge that will be useful in their future.
Earlier this year, students and volunteers from around the world came together to make the most of the newfound time and togetherness provided by the lock downs. Aga Khan Education Boards harnessed the inherent creativity of the youth of our Jamat while being confined to their homes. They developed the Global STEM Festival, which took place from 5 July to 30 August 2020.
“Education is an equalizer. All of us who are in education, we’re not in there for money. We’re there for impact,” said Shehnaz Wadhwania, currently the founding principal for Abram Agnew Elementary School in California’s Santa Clara Unified School District. Before becoming a school leader, Shehnaz followed a unique career path in education, where she felt she could make the greatest impact.
Amidst the magnificence of the Al-Hajar mountains, the lush fruit-scented plantations of Misfat Al Abriyeen, and the abandoned settlements of Harat al-Bilad, 15 young adults from the United Arab Emirates and the surrounding region participated in an international excursion to Muscat, Oman last year.
This information page answers common questions about testing for Covid-19.
Principal involved in designing a state of the art innovative school in California
Dr Amin Kazani, from Carrolton, Texas, USA currently works as an Inpatient Clinical Pharmacist for a large academic hospital system. His daily work includes managing and monitoring medication therapy for admitted patients in internal medicine to oncology units as well as IV medication preparation.
Based in Doha, Qatar, Rita Chagani works as a Patient Care Assistant at the Hamad General Hospital in Doha, Qatar. She has also worked as an ICU nurse during the Dengue outbreak in her home country, Pakistan.