Ismaili Centres Archive
Misbah Javaid, who hails from Karachi, Pakistan, is currently working at the Belhoul Speciality Hospital in Dubai as a frontline emergency nurse. She takes care of different types of Covid-19 patients, including high risk ones with multiple illnesses.
Conciliation and Arbitration Board volunteer mediators discuss their experiences in assisting the Jamat
Everything is made of something. Materials science is the study of what objects are made of – from metals to ceramics and polymers – and why certain materials function the way they do. It is the science that explains why your phone charger is made of the insulator polycarbonate or why a car contains the fireproof material fiberglass in its bumpers, doors, roof, and wheels. Though materials science and engineering (MSE) is not often studied in schools, it is the foundation of all objects in our world.
Our history tells us that many scientists thrived in Muslim civilisations – their curiosity to understand the world driving some of the key developments that took place in their time. A new series on The Ismaili TV shines a spotlight on members of the Jamat working on the forefront of scientific and technological advancement, continuing a long tradition of innovation.
Checklist For Negotiating Your Pay & Conditions
(Last updated 24/10/2020)
I-CERV teams up with local organizations to provide food for those in need.
Têm filhos até aos cinco anos de idade ou vão ser pais? Então precisamos da vossa colaboração!
Do you have children up to the age of 5 or are you pregnant? Then we need your cooperation!
Vivemos numa época invulgar e imprevisível. As escolas reabriram com uma tarefa importante em mãos: qual a melhor forma de dar o currículo escolar, mantendo os alunos saudáveis e emocionalmente equilibrados?
We are living unusual and unpredictable times. Schools have reopened with a major task on their hands - how to best handle the delivery of a curriculum while keeping students healthy and emotionally balanced?
Howard Ross, autor de Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgment in Our Daily Lives, define o enviesamento inconsciente como "associações mentais sem consciência, intenção ou controlo".
Esta semana, o destaque das atividades semanais do Elderly Care recaiu sobre o workshop sobre “Cuidadores Informais”, realizado em parceria com a Fundação Aga Khan, o Aga Khan Health Board e o Social Welfare.
This week, the highlight of Elderly Care's weekly activities was the workshop on “Informal Caregivers”, held in partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation, the Aga Khan Health Board and Social Welfare.
Desde março de 2020 que, devido à pandemia, as expressões do dia-a-dia passaram a ser: lavagem das mãos, regras de etiqueta respiratória, uso de máscara e distanciamento físico.
Since March 2020, due to the pandemic, everyday expressions have become: hand washing, respiratory etiquette rules, wearing a mask and physical distance.
Neste momento atípico em que vivemos, a tendência natural é para direcionar as crianças no sentido de atividades escolares online e entretê-las com os smartphones e tablets, videojogos ou televisão. Mas há atividades bem mais divertidas que pode realizar com as suas crianças.
No passado dia 9 de outubro, pelas 18h00, a Associação Empresarial da Região de Lisboa (AERLIS) foi o palco para ouvir e aplaudir os 15 jovens que apresentaram 7 PICs criados no âmbito da formação de Projetos de Inovação Comunitária #NAVEGADORESPROJECT.
A mudança para o horário de inverno irá ocorrer na madrugada de sábado (24 de outubro) para domingo (25 de outubro), pelo que às 02h00 os relógios deverão ser atrasados 60 minutos, para a 01h00.