Ismaili Centres Archive
At the end of August 2020, 371,250 acres and 5 counties in California were experiencing fires that were only 35% contained, caused by heat waves and lightning due to climate change.
World Diabetes Day is celebrated in the 14th November to spread awareness about this preventable disease.
Presented by Volunteer's Capacity Building Portfolio, Council for Pakistan
How two high school siblings decided to serve the community amid a crisis.
Based in Dubai, UAE, Nadia Nizar Ali is currently working as an emergency nurse at the Belhoul Speciality Hospital in Dubai. Her passion for serving the community is what motivates her to remain on the frontlines, helping to fight Covid-19 as part of a healthcare team.
Speakers and mentors engage young professionals about career paths and encourage networking.
Atualmente, o trabalho em equipa é uma competência cada vez mais imprescindível no mundo do trabalho. É essencial saber trabalhar e relacionar-se com os outros, expressar as suas opiniões, mas também ouvir as dos outros, a fim de alcançar um objetivo comum.
Nowadays, teamwork is an increasingly indispensable skill in the job market. It is essential to know how to work and relate to others, express our opinions, but also listen to others, in order to achieve a common goal.
Todos os dias relacionamo-nos com outras pessoas e enfrentamos opiniões novas e diferentes das nossas. No mundo do trabalho, as mesmas podem consistir num obstáculo para com o nosso relacionamento com os outros. Veja aqui alguns dos cursos que o podem ajudar a adquirir estas competências.
Every day we relate to other people and face new and different opinions. In the job market, these can be an obstacle to our relationship with others. Here are some of the courses that can help you acquire these skills.
Surrounded by the Pamir mountains in the heart of Khorog, Tajikistan, students like Jonbegim Mukhtor have the opportunity to participate in a university experience like no other.
In June 2017, when the Queen’s Birthday Honours’ List was announced, Ashak Nathwani received the highest public recognition when he was awarded Member of Order of Australia (AM) for his service to “the Ismaili community in Australia, sustainable design at tertiary level, and engineering.” For Ashak, an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Sydney, it has been a long journey. In the early 1970s, during the Ugandan crisis, Ashak found himself “stateless”. He arrived in Australia as a refugee with only 20 cents in his pocket. The rest, as they say, is history.
Nurse Naseem Khuwaja’s knowledge of the medical field, ability to teach, and will to volunteer, function as the perfect equation for her service. She traveled to Tajikistan for three months to mentor 32 local nurses. If the trip itself does not reflect her altruistic persona, she also helped create the proposal for the project, including budgeting, providing supplies, and devising the implementation plan. This goes beyond her involvement in Jamati local lifestyle projects, where she engages in one-on-one counseling to improve the health of individuals.
Hoje partilhamos consigo o testemunho da professora de Educação Especial, Luísa Bexo, que nos relata os momentos que tem enfrentado após o regresso à escola de uma forma tão atípica.
Hoje partilhamos consigo o primeiro artigo da rúbrica “Relação Pais-Filhos”, escrito por Karima Juma, e cujo tema é a importância do contacto físico e do toque nos primeiros anos de vida de uma criança.
Em momentos em que foi necessário inspirar pessoas de todo o mundo por uma determinada causa, foi sempre a música que teve o papel principal no processo. As nossas maiores celebrações têm sempre música para nos elevar o espírito. Recorda-se da música das celebrações do Diamond Jubilee? Pois é!
Os seniores continuam a participar todas as semanas nas habituais atividades online, através da plataforma Zoom. Esta semana, destacamos a sessão de yoga com a professora Paula Roque.
Seniors continue taking part in the usual weekly online activities, through the Zoom platform. This week, we highlight the yoga session with yoga instructor Paula Roque.