Ismaili Centres Archive
Modern challenges and global disruptions, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic, have impacted children around the world, both in terms of their physical growth and mental development, as well as their quality of life. On this World Children’s Day 2020, our pledge is to prioritize and contribute towards the holistic development of our children and the children of the Jamat worldwide. Let us invest in our children’s future by providing them with enabling environments and opportunities to realize their aspirations amidst the pandemic and beyond.
Presented by Volunteer's Capacity Building Portfolio, Council for Pakistan
This article is based on a presentation given at the Canada International Conference on Education [CICE-2019] at The University of Toronto. Mississauga, Canada.
This week we highlight the session with speaker Tajbanu Navrodia, in which the topic of “Time & Knowledge was addressed.
إنّ قسم الرياضة الإلكترونية الإسماعيلية هو برنامج ملتقى عالميّ تحت رعاية ألعاب اليوبيل، هذا البرنامج سوف يضمّ العديد من النشاطات المتكاملة التي ستتوّج ببطولة تنافسية. هذه البطولة لن تكون النهاية بل انطلاقة لبطولات لاحقة فهي وسيلة لتحقيق هدف وليست هدفاً بحدّ ذاتها. والرياضة الإلكترونية الأولى التي تمّ اختيارها في هذا القسم هي: الكأس الإسماعيلي لكرة القدم الإلكترونية
The Ismaili eSports segment, is a Global Encounters program working under the umbrella of the Jubilee Games. It will comprise a number of activities that build on each other and culminate in a competitive tournament, which serves as a means to an end and not an end in itself. The first eSport selected for this segment is “The Ismaili eFootball Cup”
تقدّم أكاديميات الآغاخان ضمن برنامج (إعادة التوازن) الفرصةَ للطلاب السوريين من الصف السادس لمتابعة دراستهم في أكاديمية الآغا خان - مابوتو في موزمبيق حتى الحصول على شهادة البكالوريا الدولية، والغاية الرئيسة من هذا البرنامج هي رفد المجتمع بقادة يساهمون في تنميته في المستقبل
The Aga Khan Academies Rebalancing Programme provides the opportunity for grade six students from Syria to study in the Aga Khan Academy (AKA) – Maputo, Mozambique and obtain the International Baccalaureate. The main purpose of this programme is to create leaders who are able to take part in the developing process of the community in the future
دعم مرضى السرطان خلال رحلة علاجهم الطويلة
من أجل دعم مرضى السرطان ومساعدتهم في مدينة سلمية/سورية، قدمت هيئة الآغاخان الصحية بالتعاون مع مؤسسة الآغاخان للخدمات الصحية " المركز الاستشاري" مبادرةً مميزة تهدف إلى التخفيف من معاناة المرضى خلال رحلة العلاج الطويلة والمرهقة
To assist and support cancer patients, the Aga Khan Health Board in collaboration with the Aga Khan Health Services in Syria have launched an initiative in order to alleviate cancer patients’ suffering during their long journey of treatment.
Two healthcare workers recount their fears and responses from the frontlines against COVID-19.
A San Diego volunteer helps newly arrived immigrants from Afghanistan
The unprecedented nature of COVID-19 has influenced the way youth manage their time. Due to school closures and focus on social distancing in the ‘new normal’, many youth are struggling to invest time in learning a new skill, and some who are able to utilise their time effectively, do not have adequate forums to demonstrate their skills. To address this gap and to promote positive youth development during COVID-19, the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan (AKYSBP) organised ‘Funkaar’, a national platform for youth to learn and showcase their talents using diverse expressions.
Let us reflect upon how we can coexist peacefully in a globalized world through the cosmopolitan ethic.