Ismaili Centres Archive
Com a maioria das aulas em formato online, os estudantes acabam por ter de aprender de forma mais autónoma e, por isso, é essencial que estabeleçam uma rotina e se mantenham organizados. Assim, que tal utilizar recursos digitais para ajudar?
Almoço ao lume, reunião no Zoom e um dos filhos a pedir para ir à casa de banho - é o quadro que a maior parte das famílias portuguesas está a viver nos dias de hoje. Desesperado/a? Não, ainda temos força e energia para dar a volta! Vamos recomeçar?
Desenhos que valem entradas no Museu de Arte Contemporânea? Aprender a desenhar com os melhores do mundo? É tudo verdade! Venha descobrir a nossa proposta para esta semana.
Sabia que o nosso Coro celebra este ano cinco anos de vida? É a altura ideal para ficarmos a conhecer, mais a fundo, todo o trabalho árduo que tem vindo a ser feito por este maravilhoso grupo. Ao longo do ano, vamos dar-lhe a conhecer as caras, as vozes e o trajeto do Coro.
O Elderly Care continua a realizar as suas atividades semanais online para todos os seniores do Jamat interessados, sendo importante que os seniores se mantenham ativos, sobretudo, nesta fase de confinamento mais rígida. Esta semana o destaque vai para a sessão de yoga, com a professora Paula Roque.
Elderly Care continues to carry out its weekly online activities for all interested Jamati seniors. It is important that seniors remain active, especially during this confinement period. This week we feature the yoga session that took place, with teacher Paula Roque.
Nesta aula, exploramos a componente do movimento e do corpo. Participe!
O Youth & Sports, em parceria com o ginásio Circle, irá disponibilizar aulas de yoga online para que possa abrandar a mente e reconectar com o momento presente, com a participação da instrutora Sara Hu.
Psychotherapist and author of books with exercises to exercise cognitive functions, neuropsychologist Vasco Catarino Soares says that it is necessary to combat passivity and mental routine in order to keep your head in shape, especially during confinement.
Let us reflect upon the Tasbih of Bibi Fatima and its practice in our lives today.
Despite recent advancements in science and technology, there is still much to discover and accomplish to improve lives across the globe. Women and girls continue to play a leading role in this regard, not least via the sciences, while members of the Ismaili community are at the forefront of this field, working to better understand our world and make it a better place for us all.
تكشف الأعمال الخشبية للنحات والفنان وسيم ديب عن موهبة فطرية فنية إبداعية بدأ بتطويرها والعمل على صقلها من خلال تمازج معرفته العلمية والتاريخية التي حصل عليها بدراسته الجامعية في كلية الآثار بحلب وإسقاط تلك العلوم المعرفية، عن الحضارات وأبجدياتها برقمها المسمارية وخطوطها وصولاً للحضارة الإسلامية، على منحوتاته الفنية التي سخّر لها كل قدراته وطوّعها بأنامله لينتج تحفاً فنية تضاهي أعمال الفنانين الكبار. ينحدر من عائلة من مدينة سلمية وهو من مواليد 1980 وهو خريج كلية الآثار والمتاحف من جامعة حلب ومقيم ويعمل في مدينة حلب السورية التي تشتهر بالصناعات والفنون التي شكلت حافزاً له لكي يطوّر هوايته بالنحت على الخشب
The woodwork of the sculptor and artist Waseem Deeb reveals an innate creative artistic talent that he began to develop and refine by mixing his knowledge of history with the knowledge he obtained from his university studies at the Faculty of Archeology in Aleppo. Likewise, he harnessed all his abilities and knowledge to produce masterpieces comparable to the works of great artists. He is originally from Salamieh city,1980. He currently lives and works in Aleppo, which is famous for the industries of handicrafts and arts the thing that pushed him forward to excel in wood carving within this convenient environment.
Consul General Abrar Hashmi recently visited the Ismaili Jamatkhana and Center in Atlanta, where he met local leaders from the Ismaili community and toured the Jamatkhana facility. Mr. Hashmi is based at the offices of the Consulate General of Pakistan in Houston, with jurisdiction in Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas, Colorado, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.
This page is dedicated to providing you with information on the coronavirus vaccine.
Sharifullah, of Immit in Ishkoman Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan, believes prosperity lies in saving for future generations. While working as a farmer, he barely earned enough to feed his family. With some assistance, Sharifullah and his family are now on a path to progress.
The immense horsepower in the Ismaili Professionals Network (IPN) engine is accelerating our community forward. With more than 100 fully dedicated team members across regional and national initiatives actively engaging almost 10,000 Ismaili professionals, IPN strives every day to fulfill its three pillars: contribution, collaboration, and career advancement.
The President of the Republic of Mozambique has addressed the Nation to announce new stricter measures to be in place for a period of thirty (30) days starting from 5 February 2021.
O Ismaili Institutions Portugal (IIPT) é uma nova plataforma digital de informação (website e aplicação mobile) para o Jamat, que irá substituir o antigo JIS - Jamati Information System. O Information Management & Innovation (IMI) está neste momento a recrutar membros do Jamat para integrarem a sua equipa.