Ismaili Centres Archive
When the pandemic struck and forced a nation-wide lockdown, it decimated thousands of small businesses across India. Gripped by uncertainty, and burdened with the costs of rent and inventory, many small businesses struggled to survive. As an immediate response to support the Jamat’s financial needs, the Ismailia Co-operative Credit Society Limited, Hyderabad (ICCS), launched a new series of financial products, offering a much-needed financial lifeline to the Jamat during this time.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi
Chegámos ao fim da primeira época desta rúbrica e esperamos que tenha gostado. Prometemos voltar em breve com novos sabores e novas receitas! Entretanto, e se ainda não o fez, experimente as receitas que lhe deixamos.
This is the end of our first season of episodes and we hope you have enjoyed them. We promise to return soon with new recipes and new flavors. Until then, and if you haven’t done so, give these recipes a try!
YCN is an organisation responsible for creating a safe, open and nurturing environment for children aged 7 to 17 years old. Through 10 physical Youth Club spaces across the UK and a national team overseeing the running of local clubs and hosting national events, youth club fosters a diversity of ideas and cultures, providing youth with a sense of belonging and an opportunity to be leaders of their Jamat.
ISN is a student-run organisation under the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board.
Introducing ISN’s Token Thursdays! With the hustle and bustle of daily life we know things can be challenging, but fear not - ISN are here to help...
In recognition of National Voter Registration Day, a non-partisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy, the Ismaili Jamatkhana and Center delivered a program titled, "Community Barriers to Economic Prosperity: a Virtual Town Hall with Stacey Abrams."
When the Covid-19 global pandemic hit, the whole world stopped. While many experienced difficulties establishing a “new normal” for themselves, others struggled with remembering to click the “unmute” button before speaking during Zoom meetings. Ismailis from all corners of the globe have stepped up to navigate the most challenging of situations in order to better the lives of others. Enter CONNECT, the first ever virtual camp for Ismaili Muslim Youth from across the globe.
Many stereotypes exist for the archetypal entrepreneur: that they are charismatic and talented risk-takers, focused only on increasing profits. Yet a new wave of business leaders is emerging, passionate about doing good and improving the world.