Ismaili Centres Archive
At the invitation of the Diplomatic Representative of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) Nazim Ahmad, the Minister of Education and Human Development Rita Carmelita Namashulua visited the Aga Khan Academy, located in Matola on April 28, 2021.
Vaccination plays a critical role in controlling the pandemic and in mitigating its impact on the socio-economic arena. The availability of vaccination is still quite limited and countries that assemble the vaccine have restricted export access.
In the context of the pandemic situation in Mozambique, the President of the Republic of Mozambique on 25 April 2021 announced new measures to be in place for thirty (30) days counting as from 27 April 2021. The revised measures have been approved by Decree No. 24/2021, of 26 April by the Council of Ministers.
O Plano Anual de Formação ATIVA’MENTE, desenvolvido pela Câmara Municipal de Almada, está de volta! Este ano poderás aprender sobre candidaturas de sucesso, videomarketing, empreendedorismo e ainda um curso de fotografia de telemóvel! Aproveita!
Estás a começar o secundário? Gostavas de prosseguir com a tua educação num currículo que não o Português? Este artigo é para ti! Iremos cobrir todos os currículos internacionais disponíveis no país, de modo a que possas ponderar na decisão mais correta para o teu futuro.
Esta semana propomos uma experiência multissensorial, que celebra a colaboração entre grandes artistas clássicos e o desenvolvimento da tecnologia!
A nossa equipa propõe-lhe, para esta semana, livros clássicos que não devem faltar em sua casa.
Ao longo deste percurso a que chamamos vida, vivemos momentos de enorme alegria e felicidade e outros de profunda preocupação e tristeza.
During this journey that we call life, we live moments of enormous joy and happiness and others of deep concern and sadness.
A próxima sessão do My Golden Events irá realizar-se no dia 15 de maio e contará com a participação da professora Ana Santos, que abordará o tema “Dança de Movimentos”.
The next session of My Golden Events will take place on May 15th and will count upon teacher Ana Santos to address the theme “Dance of Movements”.
Students gather to listen to one of the speakers at the ‘Human Library’ event
“An education must equip students with the tools that enable them to adapt, and thrive, in a world characterized by change. In such an environment, technical proficiency is not enough. Education that prepares children for life must go beyond fundamental skills to stimulate creativity, intellectual curiosity and honest inquiry.”
Students gather to listen to one of the speakers at the ‘Human Library’ event
“An education must equip students with the tools that enable them to adapt, and thrive, in a world characterized by change. In such an environment, technical proficiency is not enough. Education that prepares children for life must go beyond fundamental skills to stimulate creativity, intellectual curiosity and honest inquiry.”
The National Council is pleased to inform the Jamat that The Aga Khan Health Board, Birmingham NHS and Birmingham Ismaili CIVIC teamed up to vaccinate 50 people at a mobile vaccination programme at our Birmingham Jamatkhana site on Saturday 1 May.
Laylat al-Qadr or the Night of Power commemorates one of the most significant events in the history of Islam, when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) received the first revelation from Allah. Laylat al-Qadr thus marks the historical beginning of the Prophet’s teachings, informing the lives of nearly one-quarter of all people across the world.
Join us on Tuesday, May 4, the 23rd night of Ramadan, from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. local time, in a special joint program for the North American Jamat. This program will focus on the inward journey towards personal fulfillment and happiness through prayer, reflection, and remembrance.
The Covid-19 pandemic remains a serious public health concern across the globe. International attention is currently focused on the alarming situation in India, as many other countries around the world confront and prepare for second and third waves of infection.
Desde que nascemos o nosso percurso é feito crescendo, mas a partir de um determinado momento substituímos a palavra ‘crescer’ por ‘envelhecer’, porquê?
Sabia que existem diversas Universidades Seniores espalhadas pelo país prosseguidas por entidades publicas ou privadas e podem ser frequentadas por pessoas a partir dos 50 anos de idade?