Ismaili Centres Archive
Lifelong Learning is the continual pursuit of knowledge to reach our fullest personal and professional potential. When we expose ourselves continually to new areas, we fill the gaps of our current knowledge base, open the doors to inspiring opportunities, and become well-equipped to serve others with greater impact.
Laylat al-Qadr: a night to remember and reflect on our physical and spiritual journeys
Offer of scholarships for portuguese nationals by Government of India for the academic year 2021-2022.
A Embaixada da Índia, em Lisboa, informa que o Governo da Índia, através do Conselho Indiano para as Relações Culturais (ICCR), encontra-se a oferecer uma bolsa a cidadãos portugueses que queiram tirar uma licenciatura, uma pós-graduação ou obter um doutoramento em universidades indianas, no âmbito do Regime Geral de Bolsas de Estudo para o ano letivo de 2021-22.
Hoje partilhamos consigo o décimo artigo da rubrica “Relação Pais-Filhos”, escrito por Karima Juma, que nos fala do encorajamento e na sua contribuição para a autoestima das crianças.
A cultura foi, para muitos, o suporte fundamental para a travessia difícil deste último ano. É agora a nossa vez de a suportar para ela crescer e inovar. A cultura é segura!
No passado dia 23 de abril, celebrou-se o Dia Mundial do Livro e a melhor homenagem que se pode fazer aos escritores é sublinhar o valioso contributo das suas obras para a nossa saúde mental e emocional.
On April 23rd, the World Book Day was celebrated and the best tribute that can be paid to writers is to highlight the valuable contribution of their works to our mental and emotional health.
Esta semana, destacamos a sessão dedicada ao estudo das sociedades e civilizações Muçulmanas, no âmbito do programa Key.
This week we highlight the session dedicated to the study of Muslim societies and civilizations, featuring the Key program.
In the recent case Commerz Real Investmentgesellschaft MBH v TFS Stores Limited in the High Court, a landlord of Westfield Shopping Centre was granted summary judgment in respect of its claim against the tenant of one of the retail units for unpaid rent after the tenant had been obliged to close its shop as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Preparing and maintaining statutory company registers can use up valuable resources of the finance department or directors of the company, however if a company is sold it is one of the first documents that the buyers’ solicitors will request.
A new government-backed loan scheme launched on 6 April 2021 to provide additional finance to those businesses that need it.
With technology advancing and the world becoming increasingly globalised, the very nature of healthcare provision is changing. Young Ismailis around the world are at the forefront of this transition, pursuing diverse interests to help health workers around the world provide equitable, compassionate, and quality care.
Health can be defined as a state of physical and mental wellbeing. While there are many ways to achieve this state, sport is a globally recognised medium that facilitates healthy lifestyles. Created in 2020, The Sportshow is a series on The Ismaili TV that promotes dialogue with Ismaili talent in the field of sport worldwide. Based on the show, here are the unique stories of three accomplished, skilled, and inspiring Ismaili athletes.
És estudante universitário, apaixonado por tecnologia e motivado pela inovação? Nesse caso, sugerimos-te a tua próxima grande aventura! O Programa de Embaixadores da everis, an NTT Data Company, pode ser a tua porta de entrada para uma jornada de sucesso no mundo da tecnologia!