Ismaili Centres Archive
Estás prestes a terminar o Ensino Secundário e estás com receio do Ensino Superior? Ou já te encontras a frequentar o Ensino Superior e gostavas de ter apoio de pessoas que já estiveram no teu lugar? Então o Save the Freshmen é para ti!
Fique a conhecer as atividades que os Seniores tiveram a oportunidade de participar ao longo desta semana.
Lançado recentemente na Jurisdição Portuguesa, o Ismaili Youth Forum (IYF) tem como objetivo criar atividades e conteúdos que aproximem a juventude e reforcem o seu sentido de pertença.
Recently launched in the Portuguese Jurisdiction, the Ismaili Youth Forum (IYF) aims to create activities and content that bring youth together and reinforce their sense of belonging.
From 1 May, the government has made a number of changes to how the Job Retention Scheme works for furloughed workers
As the fourth self-employment income support scheme (SEISS) ramps up for applications, HMRC has confirmed the penalty regime with harsh fines for abuse of the financial support.
Hundreds of thousands of people struggling with debt problems will be supported through a new debt respite scheme, Breathing Space, launched by government, which gives a 60-day respite period.
This article explains the tax compliance issues when passing on substantial financial gifts to family under inheritance tax rules.
The fallout from the pandemic has put pressure on businesses but a range of government measures has offered much needed breathing space. But directors must remain alert to potential cash flow and risk issues, warns Benjamin Wiles, managing director, restructuring advisory at Kroll.
تسعى هيئة التخطيط الاقتصادي إلى تحسين نوعية حياة الجماعات بما يأتي:
تطوير مهارات أفراد الجماعات بما يضمن لهم المنافسةَ في سوق العمل بكافةِ المجالات الاقتصاديةَ.
تشجيع ممارسة الإدخار المنظَّم وتنميةِ رأس المال لدى الجماعات ورفع الوعي لديهم فيما يخص أهمية المنتجات المالية في مواجهة الأزمات.
تشجيع روح المبادرة في تأسيس وتطوير المشاريع لدى الجماعات ورعاية المشاريع الجديدة وتقديم الدعم لها.
Aziza Jaffer is a Bollywood choreographer and dance instructor in Bujumbura, Burundi. She talks about Climate Change action through Dance.
Over one million people in the UK have discovered the benefits of participating in clinical research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, with the help of the NIHR's new free online learning course, more people can now delve into the world of health research.
تطوَّر حل النزاعات في مجتمعات الإسماعيليين وغيرهم على مدى الزمن وفقاً للمبادئ الإسلامية المتمثلة بالأخوة والتسامح والعدالة والمساواة.
في عام 1986 أسَّسَ مولانا الإمام الحاضر إطار عمل مؤسساتي لحل النزاعات الفردية والأسرية وفقاً لمواد الدستور الإسماعيلي (12، 13، 14).
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues through 2021, Ismaili youth from around the world have been playing their part on the frontline. From travelling to remote areas to provide healthcare access, to stepping in at short-staffed hospitals, to holding down the fort in Covid wards, young members of the Jamat have stepped up to support citizens and families impacted by the pandemic.
As technology advances and the realm of cyberspace becomes more central in our personal and professional lives, understanding the landscape of cyber security and technological policy will become ever more important.
Once a boy asked his teacher, “How great is God?” Looking out the window, the teacher saw a plane and asked the student: “How big is that plane?” The student said, “It’s so small, you can hardly see it.” The teacher took the students to an airport and when they arrived near a plane asked: “And now, how big is this plane?” The student replied, “Oh teacher, this one is huge!” The teacher then said: “here is the answer to your question, the closer you are to God, the greater God will be in your life!”