Ismaili Centres Archive
Join us live from Lisbon, Portugal, for two special events featuring lectures from Aga Khan Award for Architecture Steering Committee members, Her Excellency Sheikha Mai Al Khalifa and Meisa Batayneh. The lectures will take place on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 October, and will be streamed live on The Ismaili TV.
Mediation Week is commemorated every year during the third week of October, and is an ideal time to reflect upon the impact that mediation and other peaceful dispute resolution processes can have, to bring peace and solace to individuals and families during difficult times.
O IIS encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Early Learning Officer”, função a ser desempenhada no Aga Khan Centre, em Londres, Reino Unido. Envie a sua candidatura até 25 de outubro.
O Youth & Sports informa que já foram retomadas as atividades desportivas na INATEL, para toda a família, todos os domingos das 10h00 às 13h00.
Youth & Sports informs that sports activities at INATEL, for the whole family, have restart every Sunday from 10:00am to 01:00pm.
Sabia que em 2020 foram registados em todo o mundo 1 433 terremotos de magnitude 5 ou mais? Saiba como se proteger em caso de terramoto!
Did you know that in 2020, a total of 1 433 earthquakes with magnitude of 5 or more were recorded worldwide? Learn how to protect yourself in case of an earthquake!
Ao visitar a nossa galeria, vai ver que já temos muitos artistas. Mas não nos ficamos por aqui! Venha daí saber todas as novidades que temos para partilhar!
When you visit our gallery, you will see that we already have a good number of artists. But we are not stopping here! Come and find out about all the news we have to share!
Nunca, como agora, se falou tanto da importância da saúde mental. Por isso, hoje a proposta é falar de saúde emocional.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores. As atividades continuam a realizar-se via Zoom, mas as caminhadas na INATEL já regressaram e realizam-se todos os domingos pelas 11h30, seguidas de uma sessão de alongamentos. Contacte já os membros do Elderly Care!
Get to know and take part in seniors’ weekly activities. The activities continue to be held through the Zoom platform, but the walks in INATEL have restarted and take place every Sunday at 11:30pm, followed by some stretching exercises. Contact the Elderly Care members now!
O Youth & Sports tem o prazer de informar que irá dar início à atividade “Kid Power”, no dia 24 de outubro (domingo), na INATEL, das 11h00 às 12h30.
Youth & Sports is pleased to announce that the “Kid Power” activity will restart and it will on October 24th (Sunday), at INATEL, from 11:00am to 12:30pm.
Anualmente, a terceira terça-feira de outubro é designada como o dia da Resolução de Conflitos, um evento global que tem como objetivo a promoção do conceito de Resolução Pacífica de Conflitos.
Every year, the third Thursday in October is designated as Conflict Resolution Day, a global event intended to promote the concept of peaceful conflict resolution.
October is international Domestic Abuse Awareness Month, an initiative launched to connect and unite individuals and organisations working on domestic abuse issues, as well as raise awareness of these issues. The Domestic Abuse Taskforce is committed to raising awareness of domestic abuse and supporting those that need help.
City of Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner: “I am a member of the Ismaili Community...honorary!”
The launch of a social care levy from 2022 will see all taxpayers facing a 1.25% tax charge under government plans, while dividend tax will also rise.