Ismaili Centres Archive
“Arts of the City Victorious” is the first book-length study of the art and architecture produced under the Fatimids, the Ismaili Shi‘i dynasty that ruled in North Africa and Egypt from 909 to 1171 CE.
Dia 5 de novembro celebra-se o Dia Mundial do Cinema. Temos excelentes propostas - de norte a sul - para que possa celebrar este dia em família. Venha daí saber mais detalhes!
November 5th celebrates the World Cinema Day. We have excellent suggestions - from north to south - for you to celebrate this day with the whole family. Come find out more!
De santos e pecadores todos temos um pouco. Afinal, somos humanos. O desafio é aprender a valorizar o bem e a desvalorizar o mal.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores. Algumas já vão começando a ser presenciais. Contacte já os membros do Elderly Care!
Get to know and take part in seniors’ weekly activities. Some of them are starting to be in person. Contact the Elderly Care members now!
O Youth & Sports tem o prazer de anunciar que no próximo dia 11 de dezembro, irá realizar-se a Ismaili Youth Gala 2021. Se tens entre os 18 e os 35 anos, não percas a melhor gala de sempre. Marca já na tua agenda e fica atento a novidades, em breve!
Realizou-se, no dia 27 de outubro, a conferência anual do Plano Nacional de Leitura sob o tema “Presente-Futuro. A política de Leitura”.
No âmbito da promoção de ensino de excelência, o Aga Khan Education Board (AKEB) irá realizar, nos próximos dias 11 de novembro e 5 de janeiro, sessões de esclarecimento sobre as United World Colleges (UWC).
A AKF Portugal esteve como convidada no WebSummit 2021, levando 30 participantes do projeto Bytes4Future aos quatro dias de evento, onde tiveram oportunidade para se inspirarem, conectarem e fazerem networking no mundo da tecnologia.
This week, at the opening events of COP26, the sense of urgency is palpable. Over the coming days, The Ismaili will share environmental content to coincide with the climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, where world leaders, campaigners, and NGOs have gathered to discuss the most pressing issue of our time.
Last month (October 2021), Ismaili CIVIC Leicester ran a donation drive with Leicester Jamatkhana to collect arts-related items, for distribution across eight Children’s wards within the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.
Mawlana Hazar Imam has always emphasized maintaining good relations with other communities, and a workshop and film development series in the Central region were organized with this thought in mind in May 2021.
Educating yourself on how to regulate and feel your emotions in a productive way is often the first step to a healthy and mindful daily routine. If you have difficulty getting in touch with your emotions, feel overwhelmed by them, or don't understand what emotions can feel like, you are not alone.
Seeking knowledge is inextricably linked to faith and spirituality in the Muslim tradition. In his address during the foundation laying ceremony of the Aga Khan Academy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Mawlana Hazar Imam spoke of the intersection of education and faith. He said that, “The Holy Qur’an sees the discovery of knowledge as a spiritual responsibility, enabling us to better understand and more ably serve God’s creation.”
O IIS convida à apresentação de candidaturas para o seu Programa de Formação de Professores da Secundária - STEP. As candidaturas encontram-se abertas até ao dia 1 de novembro.
The Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) is inviting for applications for its Secondary Teacher Education Programme - STEP.